Conference Papers by Josep R. Casasback

J. Lozano, Jiménez, H., Torres, S., Biosca, P., Fontanet, B., Pinazo, J., Lerín, A., Dios, F., Casas, J., and Lázaro, J. Antonio, Optical Phased Array Antenna Apodization for Lidar in Autonomous Vehicles, in XIII Reunión OptoElectrónica, Sevilla, Spain, 2023.
P. García-Gómez, Royo, S., Rodrigo, N., Casas, J., and Riu, J., Multimodal imaging System based on sòlid-State LiDAR for Advanced perception applications, in 10th International Symposium on Optronics in defence & security, Versailles, France, 2022.
J. Pinazo, Lerín, A., de Gibert, F. Xavier, Moliner, Á., Sevilla, D., Jurado, A., Ríos, I., Jerez, R., Santiago, J., Linuesa, Á., Cano, A., Dios, F., Comerón, A., Casas, J., and Lázaro, J. Antonio, Perception in the era of Autonomous Vehicles, in Photonics 4 Smart Cities, SCEWC 2022, Barcelona, 2022. (2.34 MB)
A. Puig-Sitjes, Casas, J., Salembier, P., Vizcarro, D., Clemente, R., Jakubowski, M., Gao, Y., and Team, W. 7- X., Spatio-temporal Detection and Tracking of Thermal Events on the Plasma Facing Components of Wendelstein 7-X, in 4th IAEA Technical Meeting on Fusion Data Processing, Validation and Analysis, Shanghai (online), 2021.
P. García-Gómez, Rodrigo, N., Riu, J., Casas, J., and Royo, S., Multimodal solid-state LiDAR for advanced perception applications, in OPTOEL, 2021.
A. Puig-Sitjes, Jakubowski, M., Fellinger, J., Drewelow, P., Gao, Y., Niemann, H., Sunn-Pedersen, T., König, R., Naujoks, D., Winter, A., Laqua, H., Dumke, S., Moncada, V., Belafdil, C., Mitteau, R., Aumeunier, M. - H., Pisano, F., Aymerich, E., Cannas, B., Kocsis, G., Szepesi, T., Cseh, G., Szabolics, T., Casas, J., Morros, J. R., Salembier, P., Clemente, R., Cobos, M., Caminal, I., A. Corral, P., A. Punzano, M., and S. Lopera, Q., Strategy for the real-time detection of thermal events on the plasma facing components of Wendelstein 7-X, in 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2020), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2020.
X. Lin, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., One Shot Learning for Generic Instance Segmentation in RGBD Videos, in International Conference on Computer Vision, Theory and Applications, Prague, 2019. (1.64 MB)
P. García-Gómez, Riu, J., Casas, J., and Royo, S., Self-registered lidar and polarimetric images in real-time: application to detection of small objects at sea, in 7th Workshop on Active Imaging, Saint-Louis, France, 2019.
D. Sanchez-Escobedo, Lin, X., Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., HybridNet for Depth Estimation and Semantic Segmentation, in ICASSP 2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2018. (1.14 MB)
I. Caminal, Casas, J., and Royo, S., SLAM-based 3D outdoor reconstructions from LIDAR data, in IC3D, Brussels, Belgium, 2018. (3.21 MB)
D. Bazazian, Casas, J., and Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Segmentation-based Multi-Scale Edge Extraction to Measure the Persistence of Features in Unorganized Point Clouds, in International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Porto, Portugal, 2017. (4.3 MB)
D. van Sabben, Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Suau, X., and Casas, J., Collaborative voting of 3D features for robust gesture estimation, in International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, New Orleans, USA, 2017. (605.86 KB)
X. Lin, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., 3D Point Cloud Segmentation Using a Fully Connected Conditional Random Field, in The 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2017), Kos island, Greece, 2017. (2.34 MB)
A. Pujol-Miró, Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Casas, J., Registration of Images to Unorganized 3D Point Clouds Using Contour Cues, in The 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2017), Kos island, Greece, 2017. (3.14 MB)
A. Casanova, Pujol-Miró, A., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Casas, J., Interactive Registration Method for 3D data Fusion, in IC3D, Liège, Belgium, 2016. (2.04 MB)
X. Lin, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Graph based Dynamic Segmentation of Generic Objects in 3D, in CVPR SUNw: Scene Understanding Workshop, Las Vegas, US, 2016. (956.15 KB)
X. Lin, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., 3D Point Cloud Segmentation Oriented to The Analysis of Interactions, in The 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2016), Budapest, Hungary, 2016. (10.54 MB)
X. Lin, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., 3D Point Cloud Video Segmentation Based on Interaction Analysis, in ECCV 2016: Computer Vision – ECCV 2016 Workshops, Amsterdam, 2016, vol. III, 9915 vol., pp. 821 - 835. (10 MB)
D. Bazazian, Casas, J., and Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Fast and Robust Edge Extraction in Unorganized Point Clouds, in International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, Adelaide, Australia, 2015. (700.25 KB)
X. Lin, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Time consistent estimation of End-effectors from RGB-D data, in Image and Video Technology: 7th Pacific-Rim Symposium, PSIVT 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, November 25-27, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, Cham, 2015, pp. 529-543. (2.22 MB)
J. R. Morros, Vilaplana, V., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Casas, J., Gasull, A., Marqués, F., Pardàs, M., and Salembier, P., Materials transversals per a l'aprenentatge actiu de les matèries de processat d'imatge i vídeo, in Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), Tarragona, Spain, 2014. (853.76 KB)
A. López-Méndez and Casas, J., Can our TV robustly understand human gestures? Real-Time Gesture Localization in Range Data, in Conference on Visual Media Production, London, UK, 2012. (5.62 MB)
X. Suau, Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Casas, J., Oriented radial distribution on depth data: Application to the detection of end-effectors, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Kyoto, Japan, 2012. (1.21 MB)
A. López-Méndez, Gall, J., Casas, J., and van Gool, L., Metric Learning from Poses for Temporal Clustering of Human Motion, in British Machine Vision Conference 2012, Guildford, UK, 2012.
S. Navarro, López-Méndez, A., Alcoverro, M., and Casas, J., Multi-view Body Tracking with a Detector-Driven Hierarchical Particle Filter, in 7th International Conference AMDO 2012, Port d'Andratx, Mallorca, 2012.
M. Alcoverro, López-Méndez, A., Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., A real-time body tracking system for smart rooms, in ICME - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2011, pp. 1–6.
M. Alcoverro, López-Méndez, A., Pardàs, M., and Casas, J., Connected Operators on 3D data for human body analysis, in 2011 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2011, pp. 9–14.
A. López-Méndez, Alcoverro, M., Pardàs, M., and Casas, J., Approximate partitioning of observations in hierarchical particle filter body tracking, in 2011 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2011, pp. 19–24.
J. Gallego, Salvador, J., Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Joint multi-view foreground segmentation and 3D reconstruction with tolerance loop, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2011, pp. 997–1000.
A. López-Méndez, Alcoverro, M., Pardàs, M., and Casas, J., Real-time upper body tracking with online initialization using a range sensor, in 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer VIsion Workshops (ICCV Workshops), 2011, pp. 391–398. (912.22 KB)
X. Suau, Casas, J., and Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Real-time head and hand tracking based on 2.5D data, in ICME - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2011, pp. 1–6. (1.59 MB)
J. Salvador and Casas, J., A compact 3D representation for multi-view video, in 2011 International Conference on 3D Imaging, 2011, pp. 1–8. (4.14 MB)
J. Salvador and Casas, J., Joint estimation of shape and motion from silhouettes, in 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2010, pp. 4069–4072.
J. Salvador and Casas, J., Photo-consistent surfaces from a sparse set of viewpoints, in 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2010, pp. 4045–4048.
M. Alcoverro, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Skeleton and shape adjustment and tracking in multicamera environments, in 6th International Conference AMDO 2010, 2010, pp. 88–97.
A. López-Méndez, Canton-Ferrer, C., and Casas, J., Virtual view appearance representation for human motion analysis in multi-view environments, in 18th European Signal Processing Conference, 2010, pp. 959–963.
J. Salvador, Suau, X., and Casas, J., From silhouettes to 3D points to mesh: towards free viewpoint video, in ACM Workshop on 3D Video Processing (3DVP), 2010, pp. 19–24.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Spatio-temporal alignment and hyperspherical radon transform for 3D gait recognition in multi-view environments, in 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2010, pp. 116–121.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Real-time 3D multi-person tracking using Monte Carlo surface sampling, in 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2010, pp. 40–46.
X. Suau, Casas, J., and Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Surface reconstruction by restricted and oriented propagation, in 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2010, pp. 813–816. (3.22 MB)
T. Butko, Canton-Ferrer, C., Segura, C., Giró-i-Nieto, X., Nadeu, C., Hernando, J., and Casas, J., Improving Detection of Acoustic Events Using Audiovisual Data and Feature Level Fusion, in 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2009, pp. 1147–1150.
A. López-Méndez and Casas, J., Feature-based annealing particle filter for robust body pose estimation, in Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 2009, pp. 438–443.
J. Sanchez-Riera, Salvador, J., and Casas, J., Indoor PTZ camera calibration with concurrent PT axes, in Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 2009, pp. 45–50.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Butko, T., Segura, C., Giró-i-Nieto, X., Nadeu, C., Hernando, J., and Casas, J., Audiovisual Event Detection Towards Scene Understanding, in 2009 IEEE Computer-Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2009, pp. 840–847. (1.99 MB)
C. Canton-Ferrer, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Voxel based annealed particle filtering for markerless 3D articulated motion capture, in 3DTV Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, 2009, 2009, pp. 1–4.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Towards a low cost multi-camera marker based human motion capture system, in 16th International Conference on Image Processing, 2009, pp. 2581–2584.
X. Suau, Casas, J., and Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Multi-resolution illumination compensation for foreground extraction, in 16th International Conference on Image Processing, 2009, pp. 3225–3228. (2.16 MB)
M. Cabrera, Giró-i-Nieto, X., Rey, F., Gasull, A., Casas, J., Villares, J., Fernandez, J., josep Sala Álvarez,, Espinosa Fricke, P., Fernández, C. M., Cortés, S., and Farré, M. À., LAVICAD: LAboratori VIrtual de Comunicacions Analògiques i Digitals, in Jornada d'Innovació Docent - RIMA (JID-RIMA), Barcelona, Catalonia, 2009.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Exploiting Structural Hierarchy in Articulated Objects Towards Robust Motion Capture, in V Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects (AMDO), 2008, pp. 82–91.
S. Gudmundsson, Pardàs, M., Casas, J., Aanaes, H., and Larsen, R., TOF Imaging in Smart Room Environments towards Improved People Tracking, in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Workshop on Time of Flight based Computer Vision (CVPR/TOF-CV), 2008, pp. 1–6.
J. Salvador and Casas, J., Shape from Probability Maps with Image-Adapted Voxelization, in ECCV Workshop on Multi-camera and Multi-modal Sensor Fusion Algorithms and Applications (M2SFA2), 2008, pp. 1–12.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Sblendido, R., Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Particle Filtering and Sparse Sampling for Multi-Person 3D Tracking, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2008, pp. 2644–2647.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Segura, C., Pardàs, M., Casas, J., and Hernando, J., Multimodal Real-Time Focus of Attention Estimation in SmartRooms, in CVPR 2008 Workshop on Human Communicative Behavior Analysis, 2008, pp. 1–4.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Salvador, J., Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Multi-Person Tracking Strategies Based on Voxel Analysis, in CLEAR'07 Second International Evaluation Workshop on Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships, 2007, pp. 1–12.
A. López-Méndez, Canton-Ferrer, C., and Casas, J., Multi-person 3D Tracking with Particle Filters on Voxels, in 2007 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2007.
C. Segura, Abad, A., Casas, J., and Hernando, J., Multimodal Head Orientation towards Attention Tracking in Smart Rooms, in 2007 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2007.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Head Orientation Estimation using Particle Filtering in Multiview Scenarios, in CLEAR'07 Second International Evaluation Workshop on Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships, 2007, pp. 1–11.
A. Abad, Canton-Ferrer, C., Canton-Ferrer, C., Segura, C., Landabaso, J. - L., Macho, D., Casas, J., Hernando, J., Pardàs, M., and Nadeu, C., UPC Audio, Video and Multimodal Person Tracking Systems in the CLEAR Evaluation Campaign, in CLEAR'06 Evaluation Campaign and Workshop - Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships, 2006, pp. 93–104.
X. Giró-i-Nieto, Marqués, F., and Casas, J., The edition of the Wikipedia as an academic activity, in 4rt. Congrés Internacional de Docència Unversitària i Innovació, Barcelona, Catalonia, 2006, p. –.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Canton-Ferrer, C., Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Human Model and Motion Based 3D Action Recognition in Multiple View Scenarios, in 14th European Signal Processing Conference, 2006, pp. 1–1.
J. Neumann, Casas, J., Macho, D., and Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Multimodal Integration of Sensor Network, in Proceedings of 3rd IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications & Innovations, Athens, Greece, 2006. (401.58 KB)
J. Salvador and Casas, J., Image-adapted voxelization in multicamera settings, in International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 2006, pp. 161–165.
J. - L. Landabaso, Pardàs, M., and Casas, J., Reconstruction of 3D shapes considering inconsistent 2D silhouettes, in International Conference on Image Processing, 2006, pp. 1–4.
J. Salvador and Casas, J., Voxelització Adaptada a les Imatges en Entorns Multicàmera, in 2ones Jornades UPC de Investigación en Automática, Visión y Robótica, 2006, pp. 1–6.
C. Ferran, Giró-i-Nieto, X., Marqués, F., and Casas, J., BPT Enhancement based on Syntactic and Semantic criteria, in 1st International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, 2006, pp. 184–198.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Canton-Ferrer, C., Casas, J., Pardàs, M., Sargin, M., and Tekalp, M., 3D Human Action Recognition In Multiple View Scenarios, in 2ones Jornades UPC de Investigación en Automática, Visión y Robótica, 2006, pp. 1–5.
J. Casas and Salvador, J., Image-based Multi-view Scene Analysis using 'Conexels', in HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction (VisHCI 2006), 2006, pp. 203–212. (252 KB)
C. Canton-Ferrer, Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Head Pose Detection based on Fusion of Multiple Viewpoint Information, in CLEAR'06 Evaluation Campaign and Workshop - Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships, 2006, pp. 305–310.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Canton-Ferrer, C., Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Towards a bayesian approach to robust finding correspondances in multiple view geometry environments, in Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling. Intrernational Conference on Computational Science, 2005, pp. 281–289.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Canton-Ferrer, C., Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., Fusion of multiple viewpoint information towards 3d face robust orientation detection, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2005.
C. Ferran and Casas, J., Object representation using colour, shape and structure criteria in a Binary Partition Tree, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2005.
C. Canton-Ferrer, Canton-Ferrer, C., Casas, J., Tekalp, M., and Pardàs, M., Projective Kalman Filter: Multiocular Tracking of 3D Locations Towards Scene Understanding, in 2nd Joint Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms, 2005.
O. Garcia and Casas, J., Functionalities for mapping 2D images and 3D world objects in a Multicamera Environment, in 6th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, 2005. (198.67 KB)
J. Casas, Puig-Sitjes, A., and Puig-Folch, P., Spatial-temporal Video Analysis for Improved Pedestrian Detection: Application to Density Estimation and Tracking in Demonstrations, in Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, 2004, pp. 334–346.
C. Ferran and Casas, J., Binary-Partition Tree creation using a quasi-inclusion criterion, in 8th International Conference on Information Visualization (IV04), 2004, pp. 259–264.
J. Casas, Kompatsiaris, I., and Strintzis, M., Advanced content-based semantic scene analysis and information retrieval: the Schema Project, in 4th European Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services_x000D_, 2003, pp. 43–45.
N. O'Connor, Sav, S., Adamek, T., Mezaris, V., Kompatsiaris, I., Lui, T., Izquierdo, E., Ferran, C., and Casas, J., Region and object segmentation algorithms in the QIMERA segmentation platform, in Third International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 2003, pp. 95–103.
L. Garrido, Salembier, P., and Casas, J., Representing and retrieving regions using binary partition trees, in 1999 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 1999, Kobe, Japan, 1999. (140.31 KB)
L. Torres and Casas, J., Prediction error image coding using a modified stochastic vector quantization scheme, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1996, pp. 451–454.
J. Casas, Morphological Interpolation for Image Coding, in ICAOS '96: 12th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems Images, Wavelets and PDEs , Paris, 1996, pp. 295–304. (213.54 KB)
J. Casas and Torres, L., A feature-based subband coding schene, in THE 1996 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH & SIGNAL PROCESSING, 1996, pp. 2357–2360.
J. Casas and Torres, L., Strong edge features for image coding, in International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing III, 1996, pp. 443–450.
L. Torres and Casas, J., New approaches to texture coding in segmentation and feature-based image coding schemes, in International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, 1995, pp. 12–17.
L. Torres, Casas, J., and Campins, J., An efficient technique of texture representation in segmentation-based image coding schemes, in IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING., 1995, pp. 588–591.
J. Casas, Salembier, P., and Torres, L., Morphological interpolation for texture coding, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 1995, Washington DC, USA, 1995, pp. 903–907.
J. Casas and Torres, L., Morphological filter for lossless image subsampling, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing'94, 1994, pp. 903–907.
L. Torres, Casas, J., and Diego, D., Segmentation based coding of textures using stochastic vector quantization, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 1994, pp. 553–556.
J. Casas and Torres, L., Feature-based video coding using Mathematical Morphology, in VII European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Edinburgh, 1994.
J. Casas, Esteban, P., Moreno, A., and Carrera, M., Morphological scheme for morphometric analysis of epidermal biopsy images, in International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image Processing II, Fontainebleau, 1994.
J. Casas and Torres, L., Residual image coding using mathematical morphology, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 1994, pp. 597–600.
J. Casas and Torres, L., Coding of significant features in very low bit-rate video systems, in SPIE'S Visual Communications'94, 1994, pp. 73–85.
D. Gimeno, Torres, L., and Casas, J., A new approach to texture coding using stochastic vector quantization, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing'94, 1994, pp. 119–123.
J. Casas, Codificacion run-length de imagenes de detalle, in VIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, 1993, pp. 349–399.
J. Casas, Torres, L., and Jareño, M., Efficient coding of residual images, in SPIE Visual Communications '93, Cambridge, MA, 1993, pp. 694–705.
J. Casas, Torres, L., and Gasull, A., Una interpretación colorimétrica en clasificaciones fuzzy de imágenes de teledetección, in V Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, 1992, pp. 281–287.
J. Casas, Hillion, A., Roux, C., Torres, L., and Gasull, A., Fuzzy classification of Remote Sensing images: a pseudocolor representation of fuzzy partitions, in SPIE Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing, San Diego, CA, 1992. (809.57 KB)
J. Casas and Torres, L., Diseño de filtros de imagen con funciones de transferencia, in VI Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, 1991, pp. 965–969.