Multi-camera environments allow constructing volumetric models of the scene to improve the analysis performance of computer vision algorithms (e.g. disambiguating occlusion). When representing volumetric results of image-based multi-camera analysis, a direct approach is to scan the 3D space with regular voxels. Regular voxelization is good at high spatial resolutions for applications such as volume visualization and rendering of synthetic scenes generated by geometric models, or to represent data resulting from direct 3D data capture (e.g. MRI). However, regular voxelization shows a number of drawbacks for visual scene analysis, where direct measurements on 3D voxels are not usually available. In this case, voxel values are computed rather as a result of the analysis on ?projected? image data.
In this paper, we first provide some statistics to show how voxels project to ?unbalanced? sets of image data in common multi-view analysis settings. Then, we propose a 3D geometry for multi-view scene analysis providing a better balance in terms of the number of pixels used to analyse each elementary volumetric unit. The proposed geometry is non-regular in 3D space, but becomes regular once projected onto camera images, adapting the sampling to the images. The aim is to better exploit multiview image data by balancing its usage across multiple cameras instead of focusing in regular sampling of 3D space, from which we do not have direct measurements. An efficient recursive algorithm using the proposed geometry is outlined. Experimental results reflect better balance and higher accuracy for multi-view analysis than regular voxelization with equivalent restrictions.