Journal Articles by Javier Ruiz Hidalgo back

A. Solé, Mosella-Montoro, A., Cardona, J., Gómez-Coca, S., Aravena, D., Ruiz, E., and Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., A Cartesian Encoding Graph Neural Network for Crystal Structures Property Prediction: Application to Thermal Ellipsoid Estimation, Digital Discovery, 2025. (10.39 MB)
J. Gené-Mola, Ferrer-Ferrer, M., Hemming, J., Dalfsen, P., Hoog, D., Sanz-Cortiella, R., Rosell-Polo, J. R., Morros, J. R., Vilaplana, V., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Gregorio, E., AmodalAppleSize_RGB-D dataset: RGB-D images of apple trees annotated with modal and amodal segmentation masks for fruit detection, visibility and size estimation, Data in Brief, vol. 52, 2024.
J. Gené-Mola, Ferrer-Ferrer, M., Gregorio, E., Blok, P. M., Hemming, J., Morros, J. R., Rosell-Polo, J. R., Vilaplana, V., and Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Looking behind occlusions: A study on amodal segmentation for robust on-tree apple fruit size estimation, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 209, 2023. (9.02 MB)
M. Ferrer-Ferrer, Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Gregorio, E., Vilaplana, V., Morros, J. R., and Gené-Mola, J., Simultaneous Fruit Detection and Size Estimation Using Multitask Deep Neural Networks  , Biosystems Engineering, vol. 233, pp. 63-75, 2023. (10.36 MB)
A. Mosella-Montoro and Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., 2D–3D Geometric Fusion network using Multi-Neighbourhood Graph Convolution for RGB-D indoor scene classification, Information Fusion, vol. 76, 2021. (771.86 KB)
J. Gené-Mola, Sanz, R., Rosell-Polo, J. R., Morros, J. R., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Vilaplana, V., and Gregorio, E., Fruit detection and 3D location using instance segmentation neural networks and structure-from-motion photogrammetry, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 169, 2020.
J. Gené-Mola, Sanz, R., Rosell-Polo, J. R., Morros, J. R., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Vilaplana, V., and Gregorio, E., Fuji-SfM dataset: A collection of annotated images and point clouds for Fuji apple detection and location using structure-from-motion photogrammetry, vol. Data in Brief, no. Vol. 30, 2020.
M. Rey-Arena, Guirado, E., Tabik, S., and Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., FuCiTNet: Improving the generalization of deep learning networks by the fusion of learned class-inherent transformations, Information Fusion, vol. 63, no. 195, 2020. (366.22 KB)
A. Pujol-Miró, Casas, J., and Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Correspondence matching in unorganized 3D point clouds using Convolutional Neural Networks, Image and Vision Computing, vol. 83-84, 2019. (3.95 MB)
J. Gené-Mola, Vilaplana, V., Rosell-Polo, J. R., Morros, J. R., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Gregorio, E., Multi-modal Deep Learning for Fuji Apple Detection Using RGB-D Cameras and their Radiometric Capabilities, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 162, 2019.
J. Gené-Mola, Vilaplana, V., Rosell-Polo, J. R., Morros, J. R., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Gregorio, E., KFuji RGB-DS database: Fuji apple multi-modal images for fruit detection with color, depth and range-corrected IR data, Data in Brief, 2019. (2.43 MB)
J. Gené-Mola, Gregorio, E., Guevara, J., Cheein, F. Auat, Sanz, R., Escolà, A., Calveras, J. Llorens, Morros, J. R., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Vilaplana, V., and Rosell-Polo, J. R., Fruit Detection in an Apple Orchard Using a Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanner, Biosystems Engineering, vol. 187, 2019.
M. Maceira, Varas, D., Morros, J. R., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Marqués, F., 3D hierarchical optimization for multi-view depth map coding, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017. (4.23 MB)
M. Maceira, Morros, J. R., and Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Depth map compression via 3D region-based representation, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016. (15.02 MB)
E. Perez-Pellitero, Salvador, J., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Rosenhahn, B., Antipodally Invariant Metrics For Fast Regression-Based Super-Resolution, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 25, no. 6, p. 2468, 2016. (5.48 MB)
X. Suau, Alcoverro, M., López-Méndez, A., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Casas, J., Real-time Fingertip Localization Conditioned on Hand Gesture Classification, Image and Vision Computing, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 522 - 532, 2014. (2.66 MB)
L. Barkhuus, Zoric, G., Engström, A., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Verzijp, N., New interaction modes for rich panoramic live video experiences, Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 33, no. 8, 2014. (278.16 KB)
X. Suau, Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Casas, J., Detecting End-Effectors on 2.5D data using Geometric Deformable Models: Application to Human Pose Estimation, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), vol. 117, no. 3, 2013. (1.44 MB)
M. Alcoverro, Suau, X., Morros, J. R., López-Méndez, A., Gil-Moreno, A., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Casas, J., Gesture Control Interface for immersive panoramic displays, Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp. 1-27, 2013.
J. Ruiz-Hidalgo, Morros, J. R., Aflaki, P., Calderero, F., and Marqués, F., Multiview depth coding based on combined color/depth segmentation, Journal of visual communication and image representation, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 42–52, 2012. (1.81 MB)
X. Suau, Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Casas, J., Real-time head and hand tracking based on 2.5D data, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia , vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 575-585 , 2012. (4.88 MB)
X. Suau, Alcoverro, M., López-Méndez, A., Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., and Casas, J., INTAIRACT: Joint Hand Gesture and Fingertip Classification for Touchless Interaction, Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 7585, pp. 602-606, 2012. (214.4 KB)
J. Neumann, Casas, J., Macho, D., and Ruiz-Hidalgo, J., Integration of audiovisual sensors and technologies in a smart room, Personal and ubiquitous computing, vol. 13, pp. 15–23, 2009. (477.45 KB)
J. Ruiz-Hidalgo and Salembier, P., On the use of indexing metadata to improve the efficiency of video compression, IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology, vol. 16, pp. 410–419, 2006. (485.83 KB)
J. Ruiz-Hidalgo and Salembier, P., Morphological tools for robust key-region extraction and video shot modeling, Lecture notes in computer science, pp. 407–416, 2001. (1.08 MB)