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Quantitative Ultrasound Texture Analysis of Fetal Lungs To Predict Neonatal Respiratory Morbidity. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wiley. 2014;44.
. A real-time automatic acquisition, processing and distribution system for AVHRR and SeaWIFS imagery. IEEE geoscience electronics society newsletter. 2001;-:10–15.
. Real-time Fingertip Localization Conditioned on Hand Gesture Classification. Image and Vision Computing. 2014;32(8):522 - 532. (2.66 MB)
. Real-time head and hand tracking based on 2.5D data. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia . 2012;14(3):575-585 . (4.88 MB)
. Simultaneous Fruit Detection and Size Estimation Using Multitask Deep Neural Networks . Biosystems Engineering. 2023;233:63-75. (10.36 MB)
. Standardized Assessment of Automatic Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities; Results of the WMH Segmentation Challenge. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2019;.
. On the use of indexing metadata to improve the efficiency of video compression. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 2006;16:410–419. (485.83 KB)
. . .
Block-based Speech-to-Speech Translation. . 2018. (505.01 KB)
. Brain lesion segmentation using Convolutional Neuronal Networks. . 2018. (3.15 MB)
. . A Generative Dialogue System for Reminiscence Therapy. . 2019. (4.89 MB)
. Keyframe-based Video Summarization Designer. . 2015. (2.64 MB)
. . Semantic and Diverse Summarization of Egocentric Photo Events. . 2015. (5.34 MB)
. . Speech-conditioned Face Generation with Deep Adversarial Networks. . 2018. (1.79 MB)
. Time-sensitive Egocentric Image Retrieval for Fidings Objects in Lifelogs. . 2016. (10.23 MB)
. Tweet@TV: Televisió social en 140 caràcters. . 2010. (6.63 MB)
. Visual Question Answering 2.0. . 2017. (2.59 MB)
. Visual Search for Musical Performances and Endoscopic Videos. . 2015. (12.35 MB)
. Method for upscaling an image and apparatus for upscaling an image. US 20170132759 A1; 2018.
. Method for upscaling an image and apparatus for upscaling an image. US 20170132759 A1; 2018.
. A method, system and computer programs to automatically transform an image. European Patent Office. 2022.