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. TOF Imaging in Smart Room Environments towards Improved People Tracking. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Workshop on Time of Flight based Computer Vision (CVPR/TOF-CV). 2008. pp. 1–6.
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. Towards a bayesian approach to robust finding correspondances in multiple view geometry environments. In Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling. Intrernational Conference on Computational Science. 2005. pp. 281–289.
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. Towards A Format-agnostic Approach for Production, Delivery and Rendering of Immersive Media. In ACM Multimedia Systems. Oslo, Norway; 2013. (2.24 MB)
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. Towards Automatic Generation of Question Answer Pairs from Images. Las Vegas, NV, USA: Visual Question Answering Challenge Workshop, CVPR 2016; 2016 . (206.92 KB)
. Towards large scale multimedia indexing: A case study on person discovery in broadcast news. In International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing - CBMI 2017. Firenze, Italy; 2017. (831.12 KB)
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