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Robust segmentation and representation of foreground key-regions in video sequences. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP'01. Salt Lake City, USA; 2001. pp. 1565–1568. (566.2 KB)
. Seasonal Contrast: Unsupervised Pre-Training from Uncurated Remote Sensing Data. In International Conference in Computer Vision (ICCV). Virtual: IEEE/CVF; 2021. (1.79 MB)
. The segmentation of images via scale-space trees. In British Machine Vision Conference. Southampton, UK; 1998. pp. 33–43. (1.18 MB)
. Segmentation-based Multi-Scale Edge Extraction to Measure the Persistence of Features in Unorganized Point Clouds. In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. Porto, Portugal; 2017. (4.3 MB)
. Self-registered lidar and polarimetric images in real-time: application to detection of small objects at sea. In 7th Workshop on Active Imaging. Saint-Louis, France: French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL); 2019.
. Self-registered lidar and polarimetric images in real-time: application to detection of small objects at sea. In 7th Workshop on Active Imaging. Saint-Louis, France: French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL); 2019.
. Semantic Summarization of Egocentric Photo Stream Events. In ACM Multimedia 2017 Workshop on Lifelogging Tools and Applications. Mountain View, CA, USA: ACM; 2017. (3.08 MB)
. SIRA: Relightable Avatars from a Single Image. In Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). 2023.
. Skin Lesion Classification from Dermoscopic Images using Deep Learning. In The 13th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2017). Innsbruck Austria; 2017. (648.62 KB)
. SkinningNet: Two-Stream Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Skinning Prediction of Synthetic Characters. In IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR). New Orleans, USA; 2022. (5.45 MB)
. SLAM-based 3D outdoor reconstructions from LIDAR data. In IC3D. Brussels, Belgium: IEEE; 2018. (3.21 MB)
. Spatio-Temporal Road Detection from Aerial Imagery using CNNs. In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. Porto, Portugal; 2017. (6.14 MB)
. Stratification Learning: Detecting Mixed Density and Dimensionality in High Dimensional Point Clouds. In Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS. Montreal: NIPS; 2007. (702.08 KB)
. Study of Manifold Geometry using Multiscale Non-Negative Kernel Graphs. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Rhodes Island, Greece; 2023. (1.4 MB)
. Surface reconstruction by restricted and oriented propagation. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2010. pp. 813–816. (3.22 MB)
. Texture coding using morphological interpolation. In IEEE workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, NSIP 1995. Halkidiki, Greece; 1995.
. Towards A Format-agnostic Approach for Production, Delivery and Rendering of Immersive Media. In ACM Multimedia Systems. Oslo, Norway; 2013. (2.24 MB)
. Towards stereo from scale-trees. In 7th International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications. 1999. pp. 52–56. (1.64 MB)
. Una Enginyeria per a la Societat del Coneixement. In II Congrés d'Enginyeria en Llengua Catalana. 2004.
. UPC-UB-STP @ MediaEval 2015 Diversity Task: Iterative Reranking of Relevant Images. In MediaEval 2015 Workshop. 2015. (158.17 KB)
. Uso de redes neuronales convolucionales para la detección remota de frutos con cámaras RGB-D. In Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería. Huesca: Universidad de Zaragoza (UZA); 2019. (1.21 MB)
. Uso de redes neuronales convolucionales para la detección remota de frutos con cámaras RGB-D. In Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería. Huesca: Universidad de Zaragoza (UZA); 2019. (1.21 MB)
. Variational Reconstruction and Restoration for Video Super-Resolution. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). Tsukuba, Japan; 2012. (672.9 KB)
. Variational Reconstruction and Restoration for Video Super-Resolution. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). Tsukuba, Japan; 2012. (672.9 KB)
. A video generation tool allowing friendly user interaction. In 1999 IEEE INternational Conference on Image Processing. 1999.