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Twenty years of AFORO: New developments and connections enhancing otolith research. Fisheries Research. 2025;281.
. Advances in Biomedical Missing Data Imputation: A Survey. IEEE Access. In Press;.
. Breast Cancer Molecular Subtyping from H&E Whole Slide Images using Foundation Models and Transformers. In Deep Breast Workshop on AI and Imaging for Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges in Breast Care, MICCAI 2024. In Press.
. Fast unsupervised tensor restoration via low-rank deconvolution. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Abu Dhabi: IEEE; In Press.
. Identifying brain ageing trajectories using variational autoencoders with regression model in neuroimaging data stratified by sex and validated against dementia-related risk factors. In 7th International Workshop on PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine, MICCAI 2024. In Press.
. Lossless and Lossy Compression for Distributed Acoustic Sensing Using Inter-channel Predictions. In SSA Photonic Seismology 2024. Vancouver; In Press.