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Plasencia AChávez, García-Gómez P, Pérez EBernal, de-Mas-Giménez G, Casas J, Royo S. A Preliminary Study of Deep Learning Sensor Fusion for Pedestrian Detection. Sensors. 2023;23(8).
Morros JR, Broquetas A, Mateo A, Puig J, Davins M. Real-time lane classification and accident detection for safer micromobility. In 11th Internationa Congress on Transportation Research. Heraklion, Crete; 2023.  (2.28 MB)
Tarrés L, Gállego GI, Duarte A, Torres J, Giró-i-Nieto X. Sign Language Translation from Instructional Videos. In CVPR 2023 Women in Computer Vision Workshop. Vancouver, Canada: Computer Vision Foundation / IEEE; 2023.  (4.64 MB)
Ferrer-Ferrer M, Ruiz-Hidalgo J, Gregorio E, Vilaplana V, Morros JR, Gené-Mola J. Simultaneous Fruit Detection and Size Estimation Using Multitask Deep Neural Networks  . Biosystems Engineering. 2023;233:63-75.  (10.36 MB)
Caselles P, Ramon E, Garcia J, Giró-i-Nieto X, Moreno F, Triginer G. SIRA: Relightable Avatars from a Single Image. In Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). 2023.
Pardàs M, Anglada D, Espina M, Marques F, Salembier P. Stromal tissue segmentation in Ki67 histology images based on cytokeratin-19 stain translation. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING. 2023;10(3).  (13.78 MB)
Hurtado C, Shekkizhar S, Ruiz-Hidalgo J, Ortega A. Study of Manifold Geometry using Multiscale Non-Negative Kernel Graphs. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Rhodes Island, Greece; 2023.  (1.4 MB)
Gené-Mola J, Felip-Pomés M, Net-Barnés F, Morros JR, Miranda JC, J. Satorra A, et al.. Video-Based Fruit Detection and Tracking for Apple Counting and Mapping. In IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor). 2023.  (680.49 KB)
