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Bellver M, Salvador A, Torres J, Giró-i-Nieto X. Mask-guided sample selection for Semi-Supervised Instance Segmentation. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2020;.  (2.2 MB)
Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J, Pardàs M. Marker-based human motion capture in multi-view sequences. Eurasip journal on advances in signal processing. 2010;2010:1–11.
Petrone P, Vilaplana V, Casamitjana A, Sanchez-Escobedo D, Tucholka A, Cacciaglia R, et al.. Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a valuable tool for Alzheimer's disease screening. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2017;13(7):P1245.
Gené-Mola J, Ferrer-Ferrer M, Gregorio E, Blok PM, Hemming J, Morros JR, et al.. Looking behind occlusions: A study on amodal segmentation for robust on-tree apple fruit size estimation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2023;209.  (9.02 MB)
Figueras P, Haas C, Capdevila C, Vilaplana V. Las Mancomunidades en España. Boletí de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. 2005;:151–176.
Gené-Mola J, Vilaplana V, Rosell-Polo JR, Morros JR, Ruiz-Hidalgo J, Gregorio E. KFuji RGB-DS database: Fuji apple multi-modal images for fruit detection with color, depth and range-corrected IR data. Data in Brief. 2019;.  (2.43 MB)
Dimiccoli M, Gurrin C, Crandall D, Giró-i-Nieto X, Radeva P. Introduction to the special issue: Egocentric Vision and Lifelogging. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 2018;.  (116.21 KB)
Neumann J, Casas J, Macho D, Ruiz-Hidalgo J. Integration of audiovisual sensors and technologies in a smart room. Personal and ubiquitous computing. 2009;13:15–23.  (477.45 KB)
Ventura C, Vilaplana V, Giró-i-Nieto X, Marqués F. Improving retrieval accuracy of Hierarchical Cellular Trees for generic metric spaces. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2013;.  (1.97 MB)
Mohedano E, Healy G, McGuinness K, Giró-i-Nieto X, O'Connor N, Smeaton AF. Improving Object Segmentation by using EEG signals and Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2015;.  (3.86 MB)
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Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J, Pardàs M. Human motion capture using scalable body models. Computer vision and image understanding. 2011;115:1363–1374.
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Salembier P, Pardàs M. Hierarchical morphological segmentation for image sequence coding. IEEE transactions on image processing. 1994;3:639–651.
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Alcoverro M, Suau X, Morros JR, López-Méndez A, Gil-Moreno A, Ruiz-Hidalgo J, et al.. Gesture Control Interface for immersive panoramic displays. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2013;:1-27.
García-Gómez P, Royo S, Rodrigo N, Casas J. Geometric Model and Calibration Method for a Solid-State LiDAR. Sensors. 2020;20(10):2898.
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Marqués F, Meyer F, Pardàs M, Salembier P. General requirements for coding oriented segmentation of video sequences. Annales des télecommunications. Annals of telecommunications. 1997;52:359–366.
Bosio M, Bellot P, Salembier P, Oliveras A. Gene Expression Data Classification Combining Hierarchical Representation and Efficient Feature Selection. Journal of Biological Systems. 2012;20:349-375.  (711.35 KB)
Giró-i-Nieto X, Camps N, Marqués F. GAT, a Graphical Annotation Tool for semantic regions. Multimedia tools and applications. 2010;46(2-3):155–174.
Gené-Mola J, Sanz R, Rosell-Polo JR, Morros JR, Ruiz-Hidalgo J, Vilaplana V, et al.. Fuji-SfM dataset: A collection of annotated images and point clouds for Fuji apple detection and location using structure-from-motion photogrammetry. 2020;Data in Brief(Vol. 30).
