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Avrithis Y, Stamou G, Wallace M, Marqués F, Salembier P, Giró-i-Nieto X, et al.. Unified Access to Heterogeneous Audiovisual Archives. Journal of universal computer science. 2003;9:510–519.
Avrithis Y, Stamou G, Wallace M, Marqués F, Salembier P, Giró-i-Nieto X, et al.. Unified access to heterogeneous audiovisual archives. In International Conference on Knowledge Management. Graz, Austria; 2003. pp. 1–2.
Avaro O, Salembier P. MPEG-7 Systems: overview. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 2001;11:760–764.  (94.51 KB)
Avaro O, Salembier P. Systems Architecture. In Introduction to the mpeg-7: multimedia content description interface. B. S. Manjunath, P. Salembier, T. Sikora (Eds.). Wiley; 2002. pp. 33–42.
Asteriadis S, Nikolaidis N, Pitas I, Pardàs M. Detection of facial characteristics based on edge information. In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP 2007. 2007. pp. 247–250.
Assens M, McGuinness K, Giró-i-Nieto X, O'Connor N. PathGAN: Visual Scanpath Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks. In ECCV 2018 Workshop on Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Compution (EPIC). Munich, Germany: Springer; 2018.  (3.78 MB)
Assens M. The Temporal Dimension of Visual Attention Models. McGuinness K, Giró-i-Nieto X, O'Connor NE. 2017.  (6.98 MB)
Assens M, McGuinness K, O'Connor N, Giró-i-Nieto X. Scanpath and Saliency Prediction on 360 Degree Images. Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication. 2018;.  (2.61 MB)
Assens M, McGuinness K, Giró-i-Nieto X, O'Connor N. SaltiNet: Scan-path Prediction on 360 Degree Images using Saliency Volumes. In ICCV Workshop on Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing. Venice, Italy: IEEE; 2017.  (2.34 MB)
Artigot JMartínez. Automatic fruit classification using deep learning. Morros JRamon, Vilaplana V. 2018.
Arenas C. Video Understanding through the Disentanglement of Appearance and Motion. Giró-i-Nieto X, Campos V, Palacio S. 2018.  (1.06 MB)
Arbelaez P, Pont-Tuset J, Barron J, Marqués F, Malik J. Multiscale Combinatorial Grouping. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2014.  (2.8 MB)
Arazo E. The impact of visual saliency prediction in image classification. McGuinness K, Mohedano E, Giró-i-Nieto X. 2017.  (828.66 KB)
Anton M, Vall-Llosera M, Torres J, Romeu J, Jofre L, Sole F, et al.. Collaborative Network Space: Infrastructure and Learning Application. In IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2005 Conference: Computer as a tool. 2005. pp. 803–806.
Antoja-Sabin J. El telèfon mòbil com a eina d'aprenentatge informal. Giró-i-Nieto X. 2013.  (1.55 MB)
Anglada D, Sala J, Marqués F, Salembier P, Pardàs M. Enhancing Ki-67 Cell Segmentation with Dual U-Net Models: A Step Towards Uncertainty-Informed Active Learning. In IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops. IEEE; 2024.  (838.72 KB)
Alsina A. An interactive Lifelog Search Engine for LSC2018. Gurrin C, Giró-i-Nieto X. 2018.  (2.75 MB)
Alsina A, Giró-i-Nieto X, Gurrin C. An Interactive Lifelog Search Engine for LSC2018. In Lifelog Search Challenge workshop at ICMR2018. Yokohama, Japan: ACM; 2018.  (584.27 KB)
Alonso-González A, López-Martínez C, Salembier P. PolSAR time series processing and analysis based on Binary Partition Trees. In PoLinSAR 2013 Workshop. Frascati (Rome), Italy; 2013.  (4.58 MB)
Alonso-González A, López-Martínez C, Salembier P. Filtering and segmentation of polarimetric SAR images with binary partition trees. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2010. Honolulu, USA; 2010. pp. 4043–4046.  (972.45 KB)
Alonso-González A, López-Martínez C, Salembier P. PolSAR Time Series Processing with Binary Partition Trees. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2014;52(6):3553 – 3567.  (4.07 MB)
Alonso-González A, López-Martínez C, Salembier P. Variable local weight filtering for polsar data speckle noise reduction. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS'2012. Munich, Germany; 2012.  (3.13 MB)
