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Simultaneous Fruit Detection and Size Estimation Using Multitask Deep Neural Networks . Biosystems Engineering. 2023;233:63-75. (10.36 MB)
. Single-image super-resolution of Sentinel-2 low resolution bands with residual dense convolutional neural networks. Remote Sensing. 2021;13(24):5007.
. Size-sensitive multiresolution decomposition of images with rank. Signal processing. 1992;27:205–241.
. Standardized Assessment of Automatic Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities; Results of the WMH Segmentation Challenge. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2019;.
. Stochastic vector quantization of images. Signal Processing. 1997;62(3):291–301.
. Stromal tissue segmentation in Ki67 histology images based on cytokeratin-19 stain translation. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING. 2023;10(3). (13.78 MB)
. Structure description tools. Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 2007;58:1329–1337. (722.43 KB)
. Structuring element adaptation for morphological filters. Journal of visual communication and image representation. 1992;3:115–136.
. Super-Resolution of Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Generative Adversarial Networks. Remote Sensing. 2020;12(15).
. Supervised Evaluation of Image Segmentation and Object Proposal Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI). 2016;38(7):1465 - 1478.
. SurvLIMEpy: A Python package implementing SurvLIME. Expert Systems With Applications. 2024;237, Part C.
. Temporally Coherent 3D Point Cloud Video Segmentation in Generic Scenes. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2018;27(6):3087 - 3099. (24.37 MB)
. Trajectory tree as an object-oriented hierarchical representation for video. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 2009;19:547–560.
. Unbalanced multiple description video coding based on a rate-distortion optimization. Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing. 2003;2003:81–90.
. Unbiased group-wise alignment by iterative central tendency estimations. Mathematical modeling of natural phenomena. 2008;3:2–32.
. Unified Access to Heterogeneous Audiovisual Archives. Journal of universal computer science. 2003;9:510–519.
. A Unified Framework for Consistent 2D/3D Foreground Object Detection. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 2008;18:1040–1051.
. On the use of binary partition trees for the tree crown segmentation of tropical rainforest hyperspectral images. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2015;159:318-331. (3.06 MB)
. On the use of indexing metadata to improve the efficiency of video compression. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 2006;16:410–419. (485.83 KB)
. Visual Segment Tree Creation for MPEG-7 Description Schemes. Pattern recognition. 2002;35:563–579. (1.14 MB)
. Wavelet coding of volumetric medical datasets. Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on. 2003;22:441 -458.
. 2D to 3D body pose estimation for sign language with Deep Learning. . 2020. (2.97 MB)
. Active Deep Learning for Medical Imaging Segmentation. . 2017. (2.84 MB)
. . Analysis of the dynamics of gray matter reduction in Alzheimer's Disease. . 2016. (9.47 MB)