Search Publication
Morphological Interpolation for Image Coding. In ICAOS '96: 12th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems Images, Wavelets and PDEs . Paris; 1996. pp. 295–304. (213.54 KB)
. Morphological operators for image and video compression. IEEE transactions on image processing. 1996;5(6):881–898. (812.23 KB)
. Morphological operators for very low bit rate video coding. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 1996. Lausanne, Switzerland; 1996. pp. 659–662. (201.44 KB)
. Motion compensated partition coding. In SPIE Visual Communication and Image Processing, VCIP'96. Orlando, Florida, USA; 1996. pp. 403–415. (216.93 KB)
. Motion connected operators for image sequences. In VIII European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO'96. Trieste, Italy; 1996. pp. 1083–1086. (298.97 KB)
. Motion estimation using higher-order statistics. IEEE transactions on image processing. 1996;5:1077–1084.
. Partition coding using multigrid chain code and motion compensation. In IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 1996.
. Partition tree for a segmentation-based video coding system. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 1996. Atlanta (GA), USA; 1996. pp. 1982–1985. (196.06 KB)
. Practical extensions of connected operators. In International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, ISMM 1996. Atlanta (GA), USA; 1996. pp. 97–110. (368.26 KB)
. Prediction error image coding using a modified stochastic vector quantization scheme. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 1996. pp. 451–454.
. A segmentation-based coding system allowing manipulation of objects. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 1996. Lausanne, Switzerland; 1996. pp. 145–175. (245.6 KB)
. A segmentation-based coding system allowing manipulation of objects (sesame). In IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 1996.
. Segmentation-based video coding: temporal links and rate control. In VIII European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO'96. Trieste, Italy; 1996. pp. 455–458. (275.97 KB)
. Segmented Picture Coding Method and System and Corresponding Decoding Method and System. 1996. (2.27 MB)
. Strong edge features for image coding. In International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing III. 1996. pp. 443–450.
. Strong edge features for image coding. In: . Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing. Boston: Springer; 1996. pp. 443–450.
. Very low rate video coding using active triangular mesh. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing, ICASSP 1996. Atlanta (GA), USA; 1996. pp. 97–110. (209.79 KB)
. Video sequence segmentation based on rate-distortion theory. In SPIE Visual Communication and Image Processing, VCIP'96. Orlando, Florida, USA: Proc. SPIE 2727, 1185; 1996. (355.43 KB)
. Coding of image partitions by morphological skeleton using overlapping structuring elements. In IEEE WORKSHOP ON NONLINEAR SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING. 1995. pp. 250–253.
. An efficient technique of texture representation in segmentation-based image coding schemes. In IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 1995. pp. 588–591.
. Estimation of motion parameters using hos. In IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING-ATHOD WORKSHOP ON HIGHER-ORDER STATISTICS. 1995. pp. 262–265.
. Flat zones filtering, connected operators and filters by reconstruction. IEEE transactions on image processing. 1995;3:1153–1160. (991.58 KB)
. Fourth-order statistics cost functions: applications to time delay estimation and image motion estimation. In VI SPANISH SYMPOSIUM ON PATTERN RECOGNITION AND IMAGE ANALYSIS. 1995. pp. 543–548.
. Image Restoration using the W-Slice Method. IEEE transactions on image processing. 1995;4(8):1174–1181.
. Interpolation and extrapolation of iomage partitions using fourier descriptions: to segmentation-based coding schemes. In IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING'95. 1995. pp. 584–587.