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From Pixels to Sentiment: Fine-tuning CNNs for Visual Sentiment Prediction. Image and Vision Computing. 2017;. (1.92 MB)
. Fruit detection and 3D location using instance segmentation neural networks and structure-from-motion photogrammetry. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2020;169.
. Fruit Detection in an Apple Orchard Using a Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanner. Biosystems Engineering. 2019;187.
. FuCiTNet: Improving the generalization of deep learning networks by the fusion of learned class-inherent transformations. Information Fusion. 2020;63(195). (366.22 KB)
. Fuji-SfM dataset: A collection of annotated images and point clouds for Fuji apple detection and location using structure-from-motion photogrammetry. 2020;Data in Brief(Vol. 30).
. GAT, a Graphical Annotation Tool for semantic regions. Multimedia tools and applications. 2010;46(2-3):155–174.
. Gene Expression Data Classification Combining Hierarchical Representation and Efficient Feature Selection. Journal of Biological Systems. 2012;20:349-375. (711.35 KB)
. General requirements for coding oriented segmentation of video sequences. Annales des télecommunications. Annals of telecommunications. 1997;52:359–366.
. Generalized lifting prediction optimization applied to lossless image compression. IEEE signal processing letters. 2007;14:695–698. (142.63 KB)
. Geometric Model and Calibration Method for a Solid-State LiDAR. Sensors. 2020;20(10):2898.
. Gesture Control Interface for immersive panoramic displays. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2013;:1-27.
. Gradient-Based Metrics for the Evaluation of Image Defogging. World Electric Vehicle Journal. 2023;14(9). (4.92 MB)
. Grounded Sequence to Sequence Transduction. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 2020;14(3):577-591.
. Hierarchical morphological segmentation for image sequence coding. IEEE transactions on image processing. 1994;3:639–651.
. Hierarchical stack filtering: a bitplane-based algorithm for massively parallel processors. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing. 2017;. (868.82 KB)
. Human motion capture using scalable body models. Computer vision and image understanding. 2011;115:1363–1374.
. Hyperspectral image representation and processing with Binary Partition Trees. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2013;22(4):1430 - 1443. (1.81 MB)
. Image Restoration using the W-Slice Method. IEEE transactions on image processing. 1995;4(8):1174–1181.
. Improved 3D reconstruction in smart-room environments using ToF imaging. Computer vision and image understanding. 2010;114(12):1376–1384.
. Improving Object Segmentation by using EEG signals and Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2015;. (3.86 MB)
. Improving retrieval accuracy of Hierarchical Cellular Trees for generic metric spaces. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2013;. (1.97 MB)
. Integration of audiovisual sensors and technologies in a smart room. Personal and ubiquitous computing. 2009;13:15–23. (477.45 KB)
. Introduction to the special issue: Egocentric Vision and Lifelogging. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 2018;. (116.21 KB)
. KFuji RGB-DS database: Fuji apple multi-modal images for fruit detection with color, depth and range-corrected IR data. Data in Brief. 2019;. (2.43 MB)
. Las Mancomunidades en España. Boletí de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. 2005;:151–176.