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Enhanced foreground segmentation and tracking combining Bayesian background, shadow and foreground modeling. Pattern Recognition Letters. 2012;33(12):1558–1568.
. Enhancing Ki-67 Cell Segmentation with Dual U-Net Models: A Step Towards Uncertainty-Informed Active Learning. In IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops. IEEE; 2024. (838.72 KB)
. Enhancing Online Knowledge Graph Population with Semantic Knowledge. In 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC). Virtual; 2020.
. Ensemble learning and hierarchical data representation for microarray classification. In 13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering BIBE. Chania, Crete: 13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering,; 2013. (241.56 KB)
. An Epipolar-Constrained Prior for Efficient Search in Multi-View Scenarios. In EUSIPCO. Lisbon; 2014. (3.69 MB)
. Estimation of motion parameters using hos. In IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING-ATHOD WORKSHOP ON HIGHER-ORDER STATISTICS. 1995. pp. 262–265.
. Estudio de campos de golf mediante técnicas de segmentación. In IX Congreso Nacional de Teledetección. Lleida, Spain; 2001. (130.37 KB)
. Event recognition for meaningful Human-Computer interaction in smart environments. In Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’07 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces. 2007. (1009.14 KB)
. Event Video Retrieval using Global and Local Descriptors in Visual Domain. In IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing - CBMI 2015 . 2015. (1.46 MB)
. Experimental confirmation of efficient island divertor operation and successful neoclassical transport optimization in Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion. 2022;62(4). (2.24 MB)
. Experimental evaluation of a MIMO radar performance for ADAS application. Telecom. 2024;5(3):508-521.
. Exploiting Structural Hierarchy in Articulated Objects Towards Robust Motion Capture. In V Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects (AMDO). 2008. pp. 82–91.
. Exploiting Structural Hierarchy in Articulated Objects Towards Robust Motion Capture. In Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer; 2008. pp. 82–91.
. Exploiting T-junctions for depth segregation in single images. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2009. Taipei, Taiwan; 2009. (490.04 KB)
. Exploiting User Interaction and Object Candidates for Instance Retrieval and Object Segmentation. . 2014. (8.97 MB)
. Explore, Discover and Learn: Unsupervised Discovery of State-Covering Skills. In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2020. 2020. (6.89 MB)
. Exploring Automatic Speech Recognition with TensorFlow. . 2018. (829.82 KB)
. Exploring EEG for Object Detection and Retrieval. In ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) . Shanghai, China; 2015. (5.37 MB)
. . Exploring Visual Representations for Sign Language Translation. . 2022. (700.12 KB)
. . Extension of Instance Search Technique by Geometric Coding and Quantization Error Compensation. . 2013.
. Extensive Operators in Partition Lattices for Image Sequence Analysis. Signal processing. 1998;66:157–180. (612.87 KB)
. . Extraction and tracking of the eyelids. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. 2000.