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Ruiz-Hidalgo J. On the Synergy between indexing and compression representations for video sequences. Salembier P. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 2006.  (4.35 MB)
Abad A, Canton-Ferrer C, Canton-Ferrer C, Segura C, Landabaso J-L, Macho D, et al.. UPC Audio, Video and Multimodal Person Tracking Systems in the CLEAR Evaluation Campaign. In CLEAR'06 Evaluation Campaign and Workshop - Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships. 2006. pp. 93–104.
Ruiz-Hidalgo J, Salembier P. On the use of indexing metadata to improve the efficiency of video compression. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 2006;16:410–419.  (485.83 KB)
Salvador J, Casas J. Voxelització Adaptada a les Imatges en Entorns Multicàmera. In 2ones Jornades UPC de Investigación en Automática, Visión y Robótica. 2006. pp. 1–6.
Luque J, Morros JR, Garde A, Anguita J, Farrús M, Macho D, et al.. Audio, Video and Multimodal Person Identification in a Smart Room. In CLEAR'06 Evaluation Campaign and Workshop - Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships. 2007. pp. 258–269.  (294.95 KB)
Correa P, Czyz J, Marqués F, Umeda T, Marichal X, Macq B. Bayesian approach for morphology based 2D human motion capture. IEEE transactions on multimedia. 2007;9:754–765.
Vilaplana V, Marqués F. On building a hierarchical region-based representation for generic image analysis. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2007.
Mostefa D, Moreau N, Choukri K, Potamianos G, Chu S, Tyagi A, et al.. The CHIL Audiovisual Corpus for Lecture and Meeting Analysis inside Smart Rooms. Language resources and evaluation. 2007;41(3):389–407.
Giró-i-Nieto X, Marqués F. Composite object detection in video sequences: Applications to controlled environments. In 8th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services. Santorini, Greece: IEEE; 2007.  (605.56 KB)
Casas J, Neumann J. Context Awareness triggered by Multiple Perceptual Analyzers. In Emerging Artificial Intelligence Applications in Computer Engineering. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2007. pp. 371–383.
Asteriadis S, Nikolaidis N, Pitas I, Pardàs M. Detection of facial characteristics based on edge information. In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP 2007. 2007. pp. 247–250.
Aguilar M, Alcober J, Altes J, Aragones X, Artigas D, Bardes D, et al.. Diccionari de Telecomunicacions. 2007.
Morros JR, Salah AAli, Schouten B, Perales CSegura, Serrano JLuque, Ambekar O, et al.. Event recognition for meaningful Human-Computer interaction in smart environments. In Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’07 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces. 2007.  (1009.14 KB)
Vilaplana V, Marqués F. Face detection and segmentation on a hierarchical image representation. In 15th European Signal Processing Conference. 2007. pp. 1955–1959.
Petras I, Beleznai C, Dedeoglu Y, Pardàs M, Kovács L, Szlávik Z, et al.. Flexible test-bed for unusual behavior detection. In 6th ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval. 2007. pp. 105–108.
Rolón J, Salembier P. Generalized Lifting For Sparse Image Representation and Coding. In Picture Coding Symposium, PCS 2007. Lisbon, Portugal; 2007. pp. 234–238.  (188.21 KB)
Solé J, Salembier P. Generalized lifting prediction optimization applied to lossless image compression. IEEE signal processing letters. 2007;14:695–698.  (142.63 KB)
Dimiccoli M, Salembier P. Geometrical Filtering Scheme with Connected Operators and Image Inpainting. In SPIE Visual Communcations and Image Processing 2007. San Jose, CA, USA; 2007. pp. 1–14.  (1.64 MB)
Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J, Pardàs M. Head Orientation Estimation using Particle Filtering in Multiview Scenarios. In CLEAR'07 Second International Evaluation Workshop on Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships. 2007. pp. 1–11.
Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J, Pardàs M. Head Pose Detection based on Fusion of Multiple Viewpoint Information. In Multimodal Technologies for Perception of Humans. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer; 2007. pp. 305–310.
Dorea C, Pardàs M, Marqués F. Hierarchical partition-based representations for image sequences using trajectory merging criteria. In 2007 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. 2007.
Chang C. Hierarchical Partition-Based Representations of Motion-Coherent Regions For Video Object Segmentation. Pardàs M, Marqués F. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 2007.
Dorea C, Pardàs M, Marqués F. A hierarchical trajectory-based representation for video. In Fith International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. 2007. pp. 275–282.
Turkan M, Pardàs M, Cetin E. Human eye localization using edge projections. In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP 2007. 2007. pp. 410–415.
Ruiz-Hidalgo J, Salembier P. Long term selection of reference frame sub-blocks using MPEG-7 indexing metadata. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2007. Honolulu, Hawaii; 2007. pp. 669–672.  (111.99 KB)
