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Butko T, Canton-Ferrer C, Segura C, Giró-i-Nieto X, Nadeu C, Hernando J, et al.. Improving Detection of Acoustic Events Using Audiovisual Data and Feature Level Fusion. In 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. 2009. pp. 1147–1150.
Sanchez-Riera J, Salvador J, Casas J. Indoor PTZ camera calibration with concurrent PT axes. In Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. 2009. pp. 45–50.
Neumann J, Casas J, Macho D, Ruiz-Hidalgo J. Integration of audiovisual sensors and technologies in a smart room. Personal and ubiquitous computing. 2009;13:15–23.  (477.45 KB)
Cortés S. Interfaz gráfica de usuario para la búsqueda de imágenes basada en imágenes. Giró-i-Nieto X. 2009.  (2.84 MB)
Cabrera M, Giró-i-Nieto X, Rey F, Gasull A, Casas J, Villares J, et al.. LAVICAD: LAboratori VIrtual de Comunicacions Analògiques i Digitals. In Jornada d'Innovació Docent - RIMA (JID-RIMA). Barcelona, Catalonia: UPCommons; 2009.
Oliveras A. Maximum likelihood factor analysis in malaria cytokines analysis and modelling. In IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics. 2009.
Dimakis N, Soldatos J, Polymenakos L, Sturm J, Neumann J, Casas J. The Memory Jog Service. In Computers in the Human Interaction Loop. London: Springer; 2009. pp. 207–234.
Rolón J, Ortega A, Salembier P. Modeling of contours in wavelet domain for generalized lifting image compression. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2009. Taipei, Taiwan; 2009.  (226.33 KB)
Dimiccoli M. Monocular Depth Estimation for Image Segmentation and Filtering. Salembier P. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 2009.
Marqués F. Multimodal signal processing: theory and applications for human-computer interaction. 2009.
Suau X, Casas J, Ruiz-Hidalgo J. Multi-resolution illumination compensation for foreground extraction. In 16th International Conference on Image Processing. 2009. pp. 3225–3228.  (2.16 MB)
Calderero F, Marqués F, Ortega A. Performance evaluation of probability density estimators for unsupervised information theoretical region merging. In 16th International Conference on Image Processing. 2009. pp. 4397–4400.
Bernardin K, Stiefelhagen R, Pnevmatikakis A, Lanz O, Brutti A, Casas J, et al.. Person Tracking. In Computers in the human interaction loop. London: Springer; 2009. pp. 11–22.
Vilaplana V. Processament puntual. In Codificació del so i de la imatge. 2009. pp. 5–65.
Salembier P. Study on nonlocal morphological operators. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2009. Cairo, Egypt; 2009.  (454.4 KB)
Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J, Pardàs M. Towards a low cost multi-camera marker based human motion capture system. In 16th International Conference on Image Processing. 2009. pp. 2581–2584.
Chang C, Pardàs M, Marqués F. Trajectory tree as an object-oriented hierarchical representation for video. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 2009;19:547–560.
Alcoverro M, Pardàs M. Visual hull reconstruction algorithms comparison: towards robustness to silhouette errors. In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications 2009. 2009. pp. 464–469.
Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J, Pardàs M. Voxel based annealed particle filtering for markerless 3D articulated motion capture. In 3DTV Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, 2009. 2009. pp. 1–4.
Haro G, Pardàs M. 3D shape from multi-camera views by error projection minimization. In 10th Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services. 2010. pp. 250–253.
Giró-i-Nieto X. BitSearch, the blog before the thesis. In VI International Congress of University Teaching and Innovation. Barcelona, Catalonia; 2010.
Valero S, Salembier P, Chanussot J. Comparison of merging orders and pruning strategies for binary partition tree in hyperspectral data. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2010. Hong Kong, China; 2010. pp. 2565–2568.  (142.72 KB)
Marcotegui B, Salembier P. Compression. In Morphologie Mathématique II: estimation choix et mise en oeuvre. L. Najman and H. Talbot (Eds.). Hermes, Lavoisier; 2010.
Marcotegui B, Salembier P. Compression. In Mathematical morphology from theories to applications. L. Najman and H. Talbot (Eds.). Wiley; 2010. pp. 385–391.
Waibel A, Stiefelhagen R, Carlson R, Casas J, Kleindienst J, Lamel L, et al.. Computers in the Human Interaction Loop. In Handbook on Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (AISE). Boston, MA: Springer; 2010. pp. 1071–1116.
