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Canton-Ferrer C. From Catalonia to America: notes on how to achieve a successful post-PhD career. 2015.
Mohedano E, Healy G, McGuinness K, Giró-i-Nieto X, O'Connor N, Smeaton AF. Improving Object Segmentation by using EEG signals and Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2015;.  (3.86 MB)
Ventura C, Giró-i-Nieto X, Vilaplana V, McGuinness K, Marqués F, O'Connor N. Improving Spatial Codification in Semantic Segmentation. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2015. Quebec City: IEEE; 2015.  (18.81 MB)
Ventura C, Giró-i-Nieto X, Vilaplana V, McGuinness K, Marqués F, O'Connor NE. Improving Spatial Codification in Semantic Segmentation (Supplementary Material). 2015 .  (18.81 MB)
Alfaro M. Inclusion of depth information on a temporal hierarchical co-clustering technique. Varas D, Marqués F. 2015.
McGuinness K, Mohedano E, Salvador A, Zhang ZX, Marsden M, Wang P, et al.. Insight DCU at TRECVID 2015. In TRECVID 2015 Workshop. Gaithersburg, MD, USA: NIST; 2015.  (2.13 MB)
Ramos-Caballero C. Keyframe-based Video Summarization Designer. Eidenberger H, Giró-i-Nieto X. 2015.  (2.64 MB)
Campos V. Layer-wise CNN Surgery for Visual Sentiment Prediction. Salvador A, Jou B, Giró-i-Nieto X. 2015.  (1.51 MB)
de Oliveira-Barra G. LIvRE: A Video Extension to the LIRE Content-Based Image Retrieval System. Giró-i-Nieto X, Lux M. 2015.  (8.3 MB)
Huang B, Henry F, Guillemot C, Salembier P. Mode dependent vector quantization with a rate-distortion optimized codebook for residue coding in video compression. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2015. Brisbane, Australia: IEEE; 2015.  (287.4 KB)
Varas D, Alfaro M, Marqués F. Multiresolution hierarchy co-clustering for semantic segmentation in sequences with small variations. In ICCV - International Conference on Computer Vision. 2015.
Digne J, Dimiccoli M, Sabater N, Salembier P. Neighborhood Filters and the Recovery of 3D Information. In Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging. 2nd ed. Springer Verlag; 2015. pp. 1645-1673.
Bellot P, Olsen C, Salembier P, Oliveras A, Meyer PE. NetBenchmark: a bioconductor package for reproducible benchmarks of gene regulatory network inference. BMC Bioinformatics. 2015;16.  (851.49 KB)
Nguyen V-T, -Dinh-Le D, Salvador A, -Zhu C, Nguyen D-L, Tran M-T, et al.. NII-HITACHI-UIT at TRECVID 2015 Instance Search. In TRECVID 2015 Workshop. Gaithersburg, MD, USA: NIST; 2015.  (1.53 MB)
Valero S, Salembier P, Chanussot J. Object recognition in hyperspectral images using Binary Partition Tree representation. Pattern Recognition Letters. 2015;56:45-51.  (1.75 MB)
Gris-Sarabia I. Pyxel, una llibreria per a l’anotació automàtica de fotografies. Giró-i-Nieto X. 2015.  (1.12 MB)
Cabezas F, Carlier A, Salvador A, Giró-i-Nieto X, Charvillat V. Quality Control in Crowdsourced Object Segmentation. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2015. 2015.  (362.33 KB)
Bonet-Carne E, Palacio M, Cobo T, Perez-Moreno A, Lopez M, Piraquive JP, et al.. Quantitative Ultrasound Texture Analysis of Fetal Lungs To Predict Neonatal Respiratory Morbidity. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wiley. 2015;45(4):427–433.
Porta S. Rapid Serial Visual Presentation for Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval with EEG Signals. Salvador A, Mohedano E, Giró-i-Nieto X, O'Connor N. 2015.  (1.38 MB)
López Ldel Pino. Reconstrucció de la forma del rostre a partir de contorns. Vilaplana V, Morros JRamon. 2015.
Maceira M, Morros JR, Ruiz-Hidalgo J. Region-based depth map coding using a 3D scene representation. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Brisbane, Australia; 2015.  (1.35 MB)
A. Xalabarder G. Region-based Particle Filter. Varas D, Marqués F. 2015.
Fontdevila-Bosch E. Region-oriented Convolutional Networks for Object Retrieval. Salvador A, Giró-i-Nieto X. 2015.  (8.02 MB)
Vilaplana V. Saliency Maps on Image Hierarchies. Signal Processing: Image Communication. Special Issue on Recent Advances in Saliency Models, Applications and Evaluations. 2015;38:84-99.
Lidon A. Semantic and Diverse Summarization of Egocentric Photo Events. Radeva P, Giró-i-Nieto X. 2015.  (5.34 MB)
