
Studies: Bachelor degree in Science and Telecommunication Technologies Engineering at Telecom BCN-ETSETB from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)

Grade: A (9/10)

This thesis explores the potential of relevance feedback for image retrieval using EEG signals for human-computer interaction. This project aims at studying the optimal parameters of a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) of frames from a video database when the user is searching for an object instance. The simulations reported in this thesis assess the trade-off between using a small or a large amount of images in each RSVP round that captures the user feedback. While short RSVP rounds allow a quick learning of the user intention from the system, RSVP rounds must also be long enough to let users generate the P300 EEG signals which are triggered by relevant images. This work also addresses the problem of how to distribute potential relevant and non-relevant images in a RSVP round to maximize the probabilities of displaying each relevant frame separated at least 1 second from another relevant frame, as this configuration generates a cleaner P300 EEG signal. The presented simulations are based on a realistic set up for video retrieval with a subset of 1,000 frames from the TRECVID 2014 Instance Search task.