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Pont-Tuset J, Marqués F. Upper-bound assessment of the spatial accuracy of hierarchical region-based image representations. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. 2012. pp. 865-868.
Lidon A, Bolaños M, Seidl M, Giró-i-Nieto X, Radeva P, Zeppelzauer M. UPC-UB-STP @ MediaEval 2015 Diversity Task: Iterative Reranking of Relevant Images. In MediaEval 2015 Workshop. 2015.  (158.17 KB)
India M, Martí G, Cotillas C, Bouritsas G, Sayrol E, Morros JR, et al.. UPC System for the 2016 MediaEval Multimodal Person Discovery in Broadcast TV task. In MediaEval 2016 Workshop. Hilversum, The Netherlands; 2016.  (174.87 KB)
India M, Varas D, Vilaplana V, Morros JR, Hernando J. UPC System for the 2015 MediaEval Multimodal Person Discovery in Broadcast TV task. In MediaEval 2015 Workshop. Wurzen, Germany; 2015.  (163.11 KB)
India M, Sagastiberri I, Palau P, Sayrol E, Morros JR, Hernando J. UPC Multimodal Speaker Diarization System for the 2018 Albayzin Challenge. In IberSpeech 2018. Barcelona; 2018.  (379.14 KB)
Abad A, Canton-Ferrer C, Canton-Ferrer C, Segura C, Landabaso J-L, Macho D, et al.. UPC Audio, Video and Multimodal Person Tracking Systems in the CLEAR Evaluation Campaign. In CLEAR'06 Evaluation Campaign and Workshop - Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships. 2006. pp. 93–104.
Abad A, Canton-Ferrer C, Segura C, Landabaso J-L, Macho D, Casas J, et al.. UPC Audio, Video and Multimodal Person Tracking Systems in the CLEAR Evaluation Campaign. In Lecture notes in computer science. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer; 2007. pp. 93–104.
Manchon-Vizuete D, Gris-Sarabia I, Giró-i-Nieto X. UPC at MediaEval 2014 Social Event Detection Task. In MediaEval 2014 Workshop. Barcelona: CEUR Workshop Proceedings; 2014.  (112.06 KB)
Manchon-Vizuete D, Giró-i-Nieto X. UPC at MediaEval 2013 Social Event Detection Task. In MediaEval 2013 Workshop. Barcelona, Catalonia: CEUR Workshop Proceedings; 2013.  (3.65 MB)
Ventura C, Tella M, Giró-i-Nieto X. UPC at MediaEval 2013 Hyperlinking Task. In MediaEval 2013 Workshop. Barcelona, Catalonia: CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol-1043; 2013.  (1.62 MB)
Nieto JJosé, Creus R, Giró-i-Nieto X. Unsupervised Skill-Discovery and Skill-Learning in Minecraft. In ICML 2021 Workshop on Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning (URL). 2021.  (5.67 MB)
Creus R. Unsupervised skill learning from pixels. Nieto JJosé, Giró-i-Nieto X. 2021.  (19.61 MB)
Marqués F, Gasull A. Unsupervised segmentation controlled by morphological contrast ext. In ICASSP. 1993. pp. 517–520.
Salembier P. Unsupervised morphological segmentation for images. In IEEE Winter Workshop on Nonlinear Signal Processing. Tampere, Finland; 1993. pp. 21–26.
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Marqués F. UNSUPERVISED HIERARCHICAL IMAGE SEGMENTATION USING COMPOUND RANDOM FIELDS. In A Robust Method for Computing 2D Projective invariants of 3D Object Vertices. 1994. pp. 125–136.
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Pina O, Vilaplana V. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Multi-Stain Cell Detection in Breast Cancer with Transformers. In IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (DEF-AI-MIA workshop). 2024.
Landabaso J-L, Pardàs M. A Unified Framework for Consistent 2D/3D Foreground Object Detection. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 2008;18:1040–1051.
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Avrithis Y, Stamou G, Wallace M, Marqués F, Salembier P, Giró-i-Nieto X, et al.. Unified Access to Heterogeneous Audiovisual Archives. Journal of universal computer science. 2003;9:510–519.
Avrithis Y, Stamou G, Wallace M, Marqués F, Salembier P, Giró-i-Nieto X, et al.. Unified access to heterogeneous audiovisual archives. In International Conference on Knowledge Management. Graz, Austria; 2003. pp. 1–2.
Combalia M, Hueto F, Puig S, Malvehy J, Vilaplana V. Uncertainty Estimation in Deep Neural Networks for Dermoscopic Image Classification. In CVPR 2020, ISIC Skin Image Analysis Workshop. 2020.
de Craene M, Macq B, Marqués F, Salembier P, Warfield S. Unbiased group-wise alignment by iterative central tendency estimations. Mathematical modeling of natural phenomena. 2008;3:2–32.
Comas D, Singh R, Ortega A, Marqués F. Unbalanced multiple description video coding based on a rate-distortion optimization. Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing. 2003;2003:81–90.
