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Gasull A, Moreno A, Salavedra J, Sayrol E, Vallverdu F. 619 - un ejemplo de diseño del laboratorio para asignaturas con créditos teóricos y prácticos. In VIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas. 2000. pp. 233–240.
Gasull A, Marqués F, Montolio P, Torres L. Técnicas de preprocesado para la segmentación de imágenes. In U.R.S.I. 92. 1992. pp. 367–371.
Gasull A, Monte E, Torres L, Montolio P, Marqués F. Analysis and optimization of the K-Means algorithm for remote sensing applications. In Pattern recognition and image analysis. 1992. pp. 0–0.
Gasull A, Torres L. Eleccion de componentes principales para la clasific. no supervisada de image. In IV Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes. 1990. pp. 9–16.
Gasull A, Marqués F, Torres L. Analisis de no estacionariedades en la interpolacion de imagenes. In VI Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio. 1991. pp. 985–989.
Gasull A, Fábregas FX, Jiménez J, Marqués F, Moreno V, Herrero M. Oil Spills Detection in SAR Images using Mathematical Morphology. In 11th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2002). 2002. pp. 25–28.
Gasull A, Torres L. Analisis y optimizacion del algoritmo k-means aplicado a teledeteccion en ima. In IV Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes. 1990. pp. 17–23.
Gasull A, Marqués F, Torres L. Técnicas de preprocesado para la segmentación de imágenes. In VII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio. 1992. pp. 367–371.
Gasull A, Corbera L, Marqués F. Character recognition and document analysis by morphological techniq. In MATHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY. 1993. pp. 198–203.
Gasull A, Torres L. Contour extraction and image preprocessing of echocardiographic images using r. In Latvian Signal Processing International Conference. 1990. pp. 26–30.
Garrido L, Salembier P. A framework for the retrieval of multiple regions using Binary Partition Trees and low level descriptors. In 11th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2002. Toulouse, France; 2002. pp. 512–516.  (277.78 KB)
Garrido L, Oliveras A, Salembier P. Motion analysis of image sequences using connected operators. In SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP'97. San Jose, CA, USA; 1997. pp. 546–557.  (271.86 KB)
Garrido L, Salembier P, Oliveras A. Anti-extensive Connected Operators with Application to Image Sequences. In VII Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes. Barcelona, Spain; 1997. pp. 151–156.  (228.46 KB)
Garrido L, Marqués F, Pardàs M, Salembier P, Vilaplana V. A hierarchical technique for image sequence analysis. In Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Application Services, WIAMIS'97. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium; 1997. pp. 13–20.  (182.34 KB)
Garrido L, Salembier P, García D. Extensive Operators in Partition Lattices for Image Sequence Analysis. Signal processing. 1998;66:157–180.  (612.87 KB)
Garrido L, Salembier P, Casas J. Representing and retrieving regions using binary partition trees. In 1999 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 1999. Kobe, Japan; 1999.  (140.31 KB)
Garrido L. Hierarchical Region Based Processing of Images and Video Sequences: Application to Filtering, Segmentation and Information Retrieval. Salembier P. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 2002.
Garrido L, Salembier P. Region-based analysis of video sequences with a general merging algorithm. In 9th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 1998. Rhodes, Greece; 1998. pp. 1693–1696.  (308.32 KB)
García-Gómez P, Rodrigo N, Riu J, Casas J, Royo S. Multimodal solid-state LiDAR for advanced perception applications. In OPTOEL. 2021.
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García-Gómez P, Royo S, Rodrigo N, Casas J, Riu J. Multimodal imaging System based on sòlid-State LiDAR for Advanced perception applications. In 10th International Symposium on Optronics in defence & security. Versailles, France: 3AF OPTRO2022; 2022.
García-Gómez P, Riu J, Casas J, Royo S. Self-registered lidar and polarimetric images in real-time: application to detection of small objects at sea. In 7th Workshop on Active Imaging. Saint-Louis, France: French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL); 2019.
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Gallego J. Parametric Region-Based Foreground Segmentation in Planar and Multi-View Sequences. Pardàs M. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 2013.  (70.23 MB)
