Other Publications by Veronica Vilaplana back
“Deep learning for semantic segmentation of airplane hyperspectral imaging”. 2019. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Clasificación de lesiones de piel con un ensemble de redes neuronales residuales”. 2019. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Clasificación de imágenes dermatoscópicas utilizando Redes Neuronales Convolucionales e información de metadatos”. 2019. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Synthesis of acne images for data augmentation with generative adversarial networks”. 2019. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Interpretability of Deep Learning Models”. 2019. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Clasificación de imágenes histológicas mediante redes neuronales convolucionales”. 2018. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Retinal lesions segmentation using CNNs and adversarial training”. 2018. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Automatic fruit classification using deep learning”. 2018. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Generative Adversarial Networks for Anomaly Detection in Images”. 2018. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease: a contribution from MRI and machine learning”. 2018. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Brain lesion segmentation using Convolutional Neuronal Networks”. 2018. (3.15 MB) | ,Ms Thesis |
“Extracción de cráneo en imágenes de resonancia magnética del cerebro utilizando una red neuronal convolucional 3D”. 2017. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Feature Selection Methods for Predicting Pre-Clinical Stage in Alzheimer's Disease”. 2016. (4.52 MB) | ,Ms Thesis |
“Analysis of the dynamics of gray matter reduction in Alzheimer's Disease”. 2016. (9.47 MB) | ,Ms Thesis |
“Machine learning for recommendation systems in job postings selection”. 2016. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Nonlinear analysis toolbox for neurodegenerative diseases and aging”. 2016. (9.74 MB) | ,Ms Thesis |
“Classification techniques for Alzheimer’s disease early diagnosis”. 2015. (5.86 MB) | ,Ms Thesis |
“Detecció de Text utilitzant Xarxes Neuronals Convolucionals ”. 2015. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Improving Spatial Codification in Semantic Segmentation (Supplementary Material)”, 2015. (18.81 MB) | ,Report |
“Reconstrucció de la forma del rostre a partir de contorns”. 2015. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Combinar imágenes y hábitos musicales para mejorar los sistemas de recomendación de música”. 2015. | ,Ms Thesis |
“Visual Object Analysis Using Regions and Interest Points”. 2013. (4.62 MB) | ,Ms Thesis |
“Tools for Image Retrieval in Large Multimedia Databases”. 2011. (6.33 MB) | ,Ms Thesis |