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López-Méndez A, Casas J. Feature-based annealing particle filter for robust body pose estimation. In Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. 2009. pp. 438–443.
Alonso-González A, López-Martínez C, Salembier P. Filtering and Segmentation of Polarimetric SAR Data Based on Binary Partition Trees. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2012;50:593–605.  (2.02 MB)
Alonso-González A, López-Martínez C, Salembier P. Filtering and segmentation of polarimetric SAR images with binary partition trees. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2010. Honolulu, USA; 2010. pp. 4043–4046.  (972.45 KB)
Landabaso J-L, Pardàs M. Foreground Regions Extraction and Characterization Towards Real-Time Object Tracking. Lecture notes in computer science. 2006;3869:241–249.
Landabaso J-L, Pardàs M. Foreground Regions Extraction and Characterization Towards Real-Time Object Tracking. In 2nd Joint Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms. 2005. pp. 241–249.
Alcoverro M, Suau X, Morros JR, López-Méndez A, Gil-Moreno A, Ruiz-Hidalgo J, et al.. Gesture Control Interface for immersive panoramic displays. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2013;:1-27.
Lin X, Casas J, Pardàs M. Graph based Dynamic Segmentation of Generic Objects in 3D. In CVPR SUNw: Scene Understanding Workshop. Las Vegas, US; 2016.  (956.15 KB)
Specia L, Barrault L, Caglayan O, Duarte A, Elliott D, Gella S, et al.. Grounded Sequence to Sequence Transduction. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 2020;14(3):577-591.
Specia L, Barrault L, Caglayan O, Duarte A, Elliott D, Gella S, et al.. Grounded Sequence to Sequence Transduction. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 2020;14(3):577-591.
Specia L, Barrault L, Caglayan O, Duarte A, Elliott D, Gella S, et al.. Grounded Sequence to Sequence Transduction. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 2020;14(3):577-591.
Landabaso J-L, Pardàs M. Hierarchical Representation of Scenes using Activity Information. In 2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. 2005. pp. 677–680.
Landabaso J-L, Pardàs M, Bonafonte A. HMM recognition of expressions in unrestrained video intervals. In International conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. 2003. pp. 197–200.
Sanchez-Escobedo D, Lin X, Casas J, Pardàs M. HybridNet for Depth Estimation and Semantic Segmentation. In ICASSP 2018. Calgary, Alberta, Canada: IEEE; 2018.  (1.14 MB)
de Oliveira-Barra G, Lux M, Giró-i-Nieto X. Large Scale Content-Based Video Retrieval with LIvRE. In 14th International Workshop on Content-based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI). Bucharest, Romania: IEEE; 2016.  (909.81 KB)
Górriz M, Aparicio A, Raventós B, López-Codina D, Vilaplana V, Sayrol E. Leishmaniasis Parasite Segmentation and Classification Using Deep Learning. In International Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects. Palma, Spain; 2018.
Górriz M, Aparicio A, Raventós B, Vilaplana V, Sayrol E, López-Codina D. Leishmaniasis Parasite Segmentation and Classification Using Deep Learning. In Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects. Springer International Publishing; 2018. pp. 53-62.
de Oliveira-Barra G. LIvRE: A Video Extension to the LIRE Content-Based Image Retrieval System. Giró-i-Nieto X, Lux M. 2015.  (8.3 MB)
Salembier P, Foucher S, López-Martínez C. Low-level processing of PolSAR images with binary partition trees. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014. Quebec, Canada: IEEE; 2014.  (1.9 MB)
