Oscar Pina

Position e-mail
PhD Candidate oscar.pina@upc.edu
Office Phone

Conference Papers top

O. Pina and Vilaplana, V., Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Multi-Stain Cell Detection in Breast Cancer with Transformers, in IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (DEF-AI-MIA workshop), 2024.
O. Pina, Dorca, E., and Vilaplana, V., Cell-DETR: Efficient cell detection and classification in WSIs with transformers, in Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2024), 2024.
O. Pina and Vilaplana, V., Layer-wise self-supervised learning on graphs, in KDD 2023 Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs: Methods and Applications (DLG-KDD 2023), Long Beach, USA, 2023.
O. Pina, Cumplido-Mayoral, I., Cacciaglia, R., González-de-Echávarri, J. María, Gispert, J. D., and Vilaplana, V., Structural Networks for Brain Age Prediction, in Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2022), 2022.
O. Pina and Vilaplana, V., Self-supervised graph representations of WSIs, in Geometric Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis, 2022.

Projects top

Teaching top

Acronym Title Level College
DLAI Deep Learning for Artificial Intelligence Masters MET, MATT ETSETB TelecomBCN