Adolfo López

Contributions while at GPI

Book Chapters and Books

S. Navarro, López-Méndez, A., Alcoverro, M., and Casas, J., Multi-view Body Tracking with a Detector-Driven Hierarchical Particle Filter, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, vol. 7378, F. Perales, Fisher, R., and Moeslund, T. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer , 2012, pp. 82-91.

Conference Papers

A. López-Méndez, Gall, J., Casas, J., and van Gool, L., Metric Learning from Poses for Temporal Clustering of Human Motion, in British Machine Vision Conference 2012, Guildford, UK, 2012.
S. Navarro, López-Méndez, A., Alcoverro, M., and Casas, J., Multi-view Body Tracking with a Detector-Driven Hierarchical Particle Filter, in 7th International Conference AMDO 2012, Port d'Andratx, Mallorca, 2012.
A. López-Méndez and Casas, J., Can our TV robustly understand human gestures? Real-Time Gesture Localization in Range Data, in Conference on Visual Media Production, London, UK, 2012. (5.62 MB)
M. Alcoverro, López-Méndez, A., Casas, J., and Pardàs, M., A real-time body tracking system for smart rooms, in ICME - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2011, pp. 1–6.
M. Alcoverro, López-Méndez, A., Pardàs, M., and Casas, J., Connected Operators on 3D data for human body analysis, in 2011 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2011, pp. 9–14.


A. López-Méndez, Articulated Models for Human Motion Analysis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), 2012. (2.47 MB)

Research Areas

Demos and Resources

ColorTip Dataset Oct
Panoramic TV Control Demo Jun