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UPC System for the 2016 MediaEval Multimodal Person Discovery in Broadcast TV task. In MediaEval 2016 Workshop. Hilversum, The Netherlands; 2016. (174.87 KB)
. UPC-UB-STP @ MediaEval 2015 Diversity Task: Iterative Reranking of Relevant Images. In MediaEval 2015 Workshop. 2015. (158.17 KB)
. Upper-bound assessment of the spatial accuracy of hierarchical region-based image representations. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. 2012. pp. 865-868.
. On the use of binary partition trees for the tree crown segmentation of tropical rainforest hyperspectral images. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2015;159:318-331. (3.06 MB)
. On the use of indexing metadata to improve the efficiency of video compression. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 2006;16:410–419. (485.83 KB)
. Uso de redes neuronales convolucionales para la detección remota de frutos con cámaras RGB-D. In Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería. Huesca: Universidad de Zaragoza (UZA); 2019. (1.21 MB)
. Variable local weight filtering for polsar data speckle noise reduction. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS'2012. Munich, Germany; 2012. (3.13 MB)
. Variational Reconstruction and Restoration for Video Super-Resolution. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). Tsukuba, Japan; 2012. (672.9 KB)
. Very low bit rate video coding using morphological segmentation and contour/texture motion compensation. In 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 1994. Jerusalem, Israel; 1994.
. Very low rate video coding using active triangular mesh. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing, ICASSP 1996. Atlanta (GA), USA; 1996. pp. 97–110. (209.79 KB)
. Video Clustering Using Camera Motion. . 2013. (8.87 MB)
. . Video compresssion standards. In Electronic imaging technology. Edward R. Dougherty (Ed.). SPIE Optical Engineering Press; 1999. pp. 31–64.
. A Video Database for Analyzing Affective Physiological Responses. . 2019. (23.66 MB)
. A video generation tool allowing friendly user interaction. In 1999 IEEE INternational Conference on Image Processing. 1999.
. Video Object Linguistic Grounding. In ACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimodal Understanding and Learning for Embodied Applications (MULEA). Nice, France: ACM; 2019. (441.12 KB)
. Video Object Segmentation introducing depth and motion information. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 1998.
. Video Retrieval of Specific Persons in Specific Locations. . 2016. (17.14 MB)
. Video Saliency Prediction with Deep Neural Networks. . 2019. (2.17 MB)
. Video sequence segmentation based on rate-distortion theory. In SPIE Visual Communication and Image Processing, VCIP'96. Orlando, Florida, USA: Proc. SPIE 2727, 1185; 1996. (355.43 KB)
. Video Understanding through the Disentanglement of Appearance and Motion. . 2018. (1.06 MB)
. Video-Based Fruit Detection and Tracking for Apple Counting and Mapping. In IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor). 2023. (680.49 KB)
. Virtual view appearance representation for human motion analysis in multi-view environments. In 18th European Signal Processing Conference. 2010. pp. 959–963.
. Visual hull reconstruction algorithms comparison: towards robustness to silhouette errors. In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications 2009. 2009. pp. 464–469.
. Visual Information Retrieval in Endoscopic Video Archives. In IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing - CBMI 2015 . Prague, Czech Republic; 2015. (1.67 MB)