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Experimental confirmation of efficient island divertor operation and successful neoclassical transport optimization in Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion. 2022;62(4). (2.24 MB)
. Exploring Visual Representations for Sign Language Translation. . 2022. (700.12 KB)
. Few-shot 3D Reconstruction of Body Parts with Deep Neural Networks. . Signal Theory and Communications. 2022.
. Generative Moment Matching Networks for Genotype Simulation. In 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'22). 2022. (2.95 MB)
. Hiding Images in their Spoken Narratives. . 2022. (15.23 MB)
. Hyper-Representations as Generative Models: Sampling Unseen Neural Network Weights. In NeurIPS 2022 - Neural Information Processing Systems. 2022. (4.6 MB)
. . A method, system and computer programs to automatically transform an image. European Patent Office. 2022.
. Model Zoos: A Dataset of Diverse Populations of Neural Network Models. In NeurIPS. 2022. (937.59 KB)
. Model Zoos: A Dataset of Diverse Populations of Neural Network Models. In NeurIPS 2022 Track Datasets and Benchmarks. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.; 2022. (937.59 KB)
. Multimodal 3D Hand Pose Enhancement for Sign Language. . 2022 . (1.2 MB)
. Multimodal imaging System based on sòlid-State LiDAR for Advanced perception applications. In 10th International Symposium on Optronics in defence & security. Versailles, France: 3AF OPTRO2022; 2022.
. Perception in the era of Autonomous Vehicles. In Photonics 4 Smart Cities, SCEWC 2022. Barcelona: Photonics21; 2022. (2.34 MB)
. PixInWav: Residual Steganography for Hiding Pixels in Audio. In ICASSP. 2022. (5.77 MB)
. Predicting Dog Phenotypes from Genotypes. In 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'22). 2022. (1.17 MB)
. QU-BraTS: MICCAI BraTS 2020 Challenge on Quantifying Uncertainty in Brain Tumor Segmentation--Analysis of Ranking Metrics and Benchmarking Results. Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging. 2022;.
. RefVOS: A Closer Look at Referring Expressions for Video Object Segmentation. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2022;. (5.78 MB)
. SALAI-Net: species-agnostic local ancestry inference network. Bioinformatics. 2022;38.
. SEG-ESRGAN: A multi-task network for super-resolution and semantic segmentation of remote sensing images. Remote Sensing. 2022;14(22).
. Self-supervised graph representations of WSIs. In Geometric Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis. 2022.
. Sentinel lymph node status prediction using self-attention networks and contrastive learning from routine histology images of primary tumours. In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning MIDL 2022. 2022.
. Sentinel lymph node status prediction with self-attention neural networks using histologies of primary melanoma tumours. In European Association of Dermato Oncology (EADO 2022). 2022.
. Sign Language Translation based on Transformers for the How2Sign Dataset. . 2022 . (1.56 MB)
. Sign Language Video Retrieval with Free-Form Textual Queries. In CVPR 2022 - CVF/IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2022. (3.22 MB)
. Sign-Language Translation with Pseudo-Glosses. 2022. (7.51 MB)