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Marcotegui B, Marqués F, Morros JR, Pardàs M, Salembier P. Segmentation of video sequences and rate control. Annales des télecommunications. Annals of telecommunications. 1997;52:380–388.
Pardàs M, Salembier P. Segmentation of video sequences for partition tree generation. Annales des télecommunications. Annals of telecommunications. 1997;52:389–396.
Salembier P, Marqués F, Pardàs M, Morros JR, Corset I, Jeannin S, et al.. Segmentation-based video coding system allowing the manipulation of objects. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 1997;7:60–74.  (1.44 MB)
Oliveras A, Garrido L, Salembier P. Stereo image analyis using connected operators. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 1997. Munich, Germany; 1997. pp. 3169–3172.  (213.59 KB)
Torres L, Casas J, Arias E. Stochastic vector quantization of images. Signal Processing. 1997;62(3):291–301.
Pardàs M, Salembier P, Ayuso X, Martí E. Video coding method and corresponding coding and decoding systems. 1997.
Salembier P, Oliveras A, Garrido L. Antiextensive connected operators for image and sequence processing. IEEE transactions on image processing. 1998;7:555–570.  (487.58 KB)
Vidal J, Sayrol E, Lagunas M. Autentificacion digital de imagen, marcado y detección óptimos. In XIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio. 1998. pp. 105–106.
Salembier P, Garrido L, García D. Auto-dual connected operators based on iterative merging algorithms. In International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and its applications to image and signal processing, ISMM 1998. Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 1998. pp. 183–190.  (370.01 KB)
Salembier P, Garrido L. Binary partition tree as an efficient representation for filtering, segmentation and information retreival. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 1998. Chicago (IL), USA; 1998.  (260.02 KB)
Torres L, Salembier P. Codificación de imagen. In Reconocimiento de formas y análisis de imágenes. A. Sanfeliu (Ed.). AERFAI; 1998. pp. 101–135.
Salembier P, Pujol O, Garrido L. Connected operators for sprite creation and layered representation of image sequences. In 9th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 1998. Rhodes, Greece; 1998. pp. 2105–2108.  (253.51 KB)
Garrido L, Salembier P, García D. Extensive Operators in Partition Lattices for Image Sequence Analysis. Signal processing. 1998;66:157–180.  (612.87 KB)
Vilaplana V, Marqués F. Face segmentation using connected operators. In Mathematical Morphology and its applications to image and signal processing. 1998. pp. 207–214.
Vidal J, Sayrol E. Optimum Watermark Detection and Embedding in Digital Images. In 1998 IEEE Second Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing. 1998. pp. 285–290.
Marqués F, Llorens B, Gasull A. Prediction of image partitions using fourier descriptors : application to segmentation-based coding schemes. IEEE transactions on image processing. 1998;7:529–542.
Garrido L, Salembier P. Region-based analysis of video sequences with a general merging algorithm. In 9th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 1998. Rhodes, Greece; 1998. pp. 1693–1696.  (308.32 KB)
Vilaplana V, Marqués F, Salembier P, Garrido L. Region-based segmentation segmentation and tracking of human faces. In 9th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 1998. Rhodes, Greece; 1998. pp. 311–314.  (276.98 KB)
Ruiz-Hidalgo J, Bangham J, Harvey R. Robust morphological scale-space trees. In Noblesse Workshop on Non-Linear Model Based Image Analysis. 1998. pp. 133–139.  (4.89 MB)
Bangham J, Ruiz-Hidalgo J, Harvey R, Cawley G. The segmentation of images via scale-space trees. In British Machine Vision Conference. Southampton, UK; 1998. pp. 33–43.  (1.18 MB)
Pardàs M. Video Object Segmentation introducing depth and motion information. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 1998.
