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Compression. In Morphologie Mathématique II: estimation choix et mise en oeuvre. L. Najman and H. Talbot (Eds.). Hermes, Lavoisier; 2010.
. Compressió d'imatges. In Codificació del so i de la imatge. 2009. pp. 1–65.
. CODING-ORIENTED SEGMENTATION OF VIDEO SEQUENCES. In Video coding: the second generation approach. 2000. pp. 79–124.
. Coding-oriented segmentation of video sequences. In Video coding: the second generation approach. L. Torres and M. Kunt (Eds.). Kluwer; 1996. pp. 79–124.
. Coding of partition sequences. In Video coding: the second generation approach. L. Torres and M. Kunt (Eds.). Kluwer; 1996. pp. 125–170.
. Codificación de imagen. In Reconocimiento de formas y análisis de imágenes. A. Sanfeliu (Ed.). AERFAI; 1998. pp. 101–135.
. Cascaded V-Net Using ROI Masks for Brain Tumor Segmentation. In Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries. BrainLes 2017. Crimi A., Bakas S., Kuijf H., Menze B., Reyes M. (eds). Cham: Springer; 2018. pp. 381-391.
. BPT Enhancement based on Syntactic and Semantic criteria. In Semantic Multimedia. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer; 2006. pp. 184–198.
. AUTOMATIC QUANTIFICATION OF SPINE PARAMETERS FROM X-RAY IMAGES BY MEANS OF MORPHOLOGICAL TOOLS. In Mathematical morphology and its applications to image processing. 1994. pp. 330–340.
. Automatic extraction and analysis of visual objects information. In Multimedia content and the semantic web. Wiley; 2005. pp. 203–221.
. Audio, Video and Multimodal Person Identification in a Smart Room. In Lecture notes in computer science - Multimodal Technologies for Perception of Humans. 2006. pp. 258–269. (321.95 KB)
. Analysis and optimization of the K-Means algorithm for remote sensing applications. In Pattern recognition and image analysis. 1992. pp. 0–0.
. Advances in utilization of hierarchical representations in remote sensing data analysis. In Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier; 2018. pp. 77-107.
. Activity Classification. In Computers in the Human Interaction Loop. London: Springer; 2009. pp. 107–119.
. 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Brain Tumor Segmentation: a comparison of multi-resolution architectures. In Lecture Notes in Computer Vision. Springer; 2017. pp. 150-161.
. Sistemas Analógicos y Digitales de Televisión. Barcelona: Edicions UPC; 1993.
. . . . Media Production, Delivery and Interaction for Platform Independent Systems. Wiley, ISBN 978-1-118-60533-2; 2014.
. Mathematical morphology and its applications to signal processing. Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 1993.
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