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Sign Language Video Retrieval with Free-Form Textual Queries. In CVPR 2022 - CVF/IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2022. (3.22 MB)
. Sign-Language Translation with Pseudo-Glosses. 2022. (7.51 MB)
. Silhouette-based Probabilistic 2D Human Motion Estimation for Real-Time Applications. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2005. pp. 836–839.
. Simbad:a tool for speech analysis and synthesis. In IASTED INT.CONF.SIGNAL PROC.&DIG.FILT. 1990.
. Simple vs complex temporal recurrences for video saliency prediction. In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC). Cardiff, Wales / UK.: British Machine Vision Association; 2019. (1.79 MB)
. Simulación digital de señales y sistemas analógicos. In III Congreso de Usuarios de MATLAB. 1999. pp. 67–76.
. Simultaneous Fruit Detection and Size Estimation Using Multitask Deep Neural Networks . Biosystems Engineering. 2023;233:63-75. (10.36 MB)
. Single-image super-resolution of Sentinel-2 low resolution bands with residual dense convolutional neural networks. Remote Sensing. 2021;13(24):5007.
. SIRA: Relightable Avatars from a Single Image. In Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). 2023.
. Sistema de gestió de vídeo off-line per una smart-room. . 2007. (4.54 MB)
. Sistemas Analógicos y Digitales de Televisión. Barcelona: Edicions UPC; 1993.
. Size-sensitive multiresolution decomposition of images with rank. Signal processing. 1992;27:205–241.
. Skeleton and shape adjustment and tracking in multicamera environments. In Lecture notes in computer science. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer; 2010. pp. 88–97.
. Skeleton and shape adjustment and tracking in multicamera environments. In 6th International Conference AMDO 2010. 2010. pp. 88–97.
. Skin Lesion Classification from Dermoscopic Images using Deep Learning. In The 13th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2017). Innsbruck Austria; 2017. (648.62 KB)
. . SkinningNet: Two-Stream Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Skinning Prediction of Synthetic Characters. In IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR). New Orleans, USA; 2022. (5.45 MB)
. Skip RNN: Learning to Skip State Updates in Recurrent Neural Networks. In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). 2018.
. Skip RNN: Learning to Skip State Updates in Recurrent Neural Networks. In NIPS Time Series Workshop 2017. Long Beach, CA, USA; 2017. (427.72 KB)
. SLAM-based 3D outdoor reconstructions from LIDAR data. In IC3D. Brussels, Belgium: IEEE; 2018. (3.21 MB)
. Snap a photo, get a recipe: pic2recipe uses AI to predict food ingredients. Digital Trends; 2017.
. Solucions de programari lliure en un projecte d'adaptació de dades a XML. In V Jornades de Programari Lliure de la UPC. 2006.
. Some measures of multivariate association relating two spectral data sets. In 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics, COMSTAT 2010. Paris, France; 2010.
. Spatial-temporal Video Analysis for Improved Pedestrian Detection: Application to Density Estimation and Tracking in Demonstrations. In Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services. 2004. pp. 334–346.
. Spatio-temporal alignment and hyperspherical radon transform for 3D gait recognition in multi-view environments. In 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops. 2010. pp. 116–121.