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Eugenio F, Marcello J, Marqués F, Hernandez-Guerra A, Rovaris E. A real-time automatic acquisition, processing and distribution system for AVHRR and SeaWIFS imagery. IEEE geoscience electronics society newsletter. 2001;-:10–15.
Puig-Sitjes A, Jakubowski M, Naujoks D, Gao Y, Drewelow P, Niemann H, et al.. Real-time detection of overloads on the plasma-facing components of Wendelstein 7-X. Applied sciences (Basel). 2021;11(24).  (6.09 MB)
Suau X, Alcoverro M, López-Méndez A, Ruiz-Hidalgo J, Casas J. Real-time Fingertip Localization Conditioned on Hand Gesture Classification. Image and Vision Computing. 2014;32(8):522 - 532.  (2.66 MB)
Suau X, Ruiz-Hidalgo J, Casas J. Real-time head and hand tracking based on 2.5D data. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia . 2012;14(3):575-585 .  (4.88 MB)
Molina J, Escudero-Viñolo M, Signorelo A, Pardàs M, Ferran C, Bescós J, et al.. Real-time user independent hand gesture recognition from time-of-flight camera video using static and dynamic models. Machine vision and applications. 2013;24(1):187–204.
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Gallego J, Pardàs M. Region Based Foreground Segmentation Combinig Color and Depth Sensors Via Logarithmic Opinion Pool Decision. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 2013;.
Calderero F, Marqués F. Region merging techniques using information theory statistical measures. IEEE transactions on image processing. 2010;19:1567–1586.
Vilaplana V, Marqués F. A region-based approach to face segmentation and tracking in video sequences. Latin american applied research. 2001;31:99–106.
Salembier P, Marqués F. Region-based representations of image and video : segmentation tools for multimedia services. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 1999;9:1147–1169.  (992.8 KB)
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Salembier P, Foucher S. Remote sensing image processing with graph cut of Binary Partition Trees. Advances in computing science, control and communications. 2014;69(1):185-196.
Landabaso J-L, Xu L-Q, Pardàs M. Robust Tracking and Object Classification Towards Automated Video Surveillance. Lecture notes in computer science. 2004;3212:463–470.
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Vilaplana V. Saliency Maps on Image Hierarchies. Signal Processing: Image Communication. Special Issue on Recent Advances in Saliency Models, Applications and Evaluations. 2015;38:84-99.
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Salgueiro L, Marcello J, Vilaplana V. SEG-ESRGAN: A multi-task network for super-resolution and semantic segmentation of remote sensing images. Remote Sensing. 2022;14(22).
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Marcotegui B, Marqués F, Morros JR, Pardàs M, Salembier P. Segmentation of video sequences and rate control. Annales des télecommunications. Annals of telecommunications. 1997;52:380–388.
Pardàs M, Salembier P. Segmentation of video sequences for partition tree generation. Annales des télecommunications. Annals of telecommunications. 1997;52:389–396.
Salembier P, Marqués F, Pardàs M, Morros JR, Corset I, Jeannin S, et al.. Segmentation-based video coding system allowing the manipulation of objects. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 1997;7:60–74.  (1.44 MB)
Haro G, Pardàs M. Shape from incomplete silhouettes based on the reprojection error. Image and vision computing. 2010;28:1354–1368.
Landabaso J-L, Pardàs M, Casas J. Shape from inconsistent silhouette. Computer vision and image understanding. 2008;112(2):210–224.
Casamitjana A, Petrone P, Molinuevo JL, Gispert JD, Vilaplana V. Shared latent structures between imaging features and biomarkers in early stages of Alzheimer's disease: a predictive study. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2019;.
