Conference Papers by Xiao Linback
“One Shot Learning for Generic Instance Segmentation in RGBD Videos”, in International Conference on Computer Vision, Theory and Applications, Prague, 2019. (1.64 MB) | ,
“HybridNet for Depth Estimation and Semantic Segmentation”, in ICASSP 2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2018. (1.14 MB) | ,
“3D Point Cloud Segmentation Using a Fully Connected Conditional Random Field”, in The 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2017), Kos island, Greece, 2017. (2.34 MB) | ,
“Graph based Dynamic Segmentation of Generic Objects in 3D”, in CVPR SUNw: Scene Understanding Workshop, Las Vegas, US, 2016. (956.15 KB) | ,
“3D Point Cloud Segmentation Oriented to The Analysis of Interactions”, in The 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2016), Budapest, Hungary, 2016. (10.54 MB) | ,
“3D Point Cloud Video Segmentation Based on Interaction Analysis”, in ECCV 2016: Computer Vision – ECCV 2016 Workshops, Amsterdam, 2016, vol. III, 9915 vol., pp. 821 - 835. (10 MB) | ,
“Time consistent estimation of End-effectors from RGB-D data”, in Image and Video Technology: 7th Pacific-Rim Symposium, PSIVT 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, November 25-27, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, Cham, 2015, pp. 529-543. (2.22 MB) | ,