J. Torres, Sastre, F., Yagües, M., Campos, V., and Giró-i-Nieto, X., “Scaling a Convolutional Neural Network for classification of Adjective Noun Pairs with TensorFlow on GPU Clusters”, in 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), Madrid, Spain, 2017. |
V. Campos, Sastre, F., Yagües, M., Bellver, M., Giró-i-Nieto, X., and Torres, J., “Distributed training strategies for a computer vision deep learning algorithm on a distributed GPU cluster”, in International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), Zurich, Switzerland, 2017. (576.67 KB) |
X. Lin, Campos, V., Giró-i-Nieto, X., Torres, J., and Canton-Ferrer, C., “Disentangling Motion, Foreground and Background Features in Videos”, in CVPR 2017 Workshop Brave New Motion Representations, 2017. (370.64 KB) |
D. Fernàndez, Woodward, A., Campos, V., Jou, B., Giró-i-Nieto, X., and Chang, S. - F., “More cat than cute? Interpretable Prediction of Adjective-Noun Pairs”, in ACM Multimedia 2017 Workshop on Multimodal Understanding of Social, Affective and Subjective Attributes, Mountain View, CA (USA), 2017. (9.62 MB) |
V. Campos, Jou, B., Giró-i-Nieto, X., Torres, J., and Chang, S. - F., “Skip RNN: Learning to Skip State Updates in Recurrent Neural Networks”, in NIPS Time Series Workshop 2017, Long Beach, CA, USA, 2017. (427.72 KB) |