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Distributed training strategies for a computer vision deep learning algorithm on a distributed GPU cluster. In International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS). Zurich, Switzerland: Elsevier; 2017. (576.67 KB)
. Disentangling Motion, Foreground and Background Features in Videos. In CVPR 2017 Workshop Brave New Motion Representations. 2017. (370.64 KB)
. Detection-aided liver lesion segmentation using deep learning. In ML4H: Machine Learning for Health Workshop at NIPS 2017. 2017. (1 MB)
. Cross-modal Neural Sign Language Translation. In: . Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia - Doctoral Symposium. Nice, France: ACM; 2019. (392.69 KB)
. Cross-modal Embeddings for Video and Audio Retrieval. In ECCV 2018 Women in Computer Vision Workshop. Munich, Germany: Springer; 2018. (1.07 MB)
. Collaborative Network Space: Infrastructure and Learning Application. In IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2005 Conference: Computer as a tool. 2005. pp. 803–806.
. Budget-aware Semi-Supervised Semantic and Instance Segmentation. In CVPR 2019 DeepVision Workshop. Long Beach, CA, USA: OpenCVF; 2019. (6.59 MB)
. Sentiment concept embedding for visual affect recognition. In Multimodal Behavior Analysis in theWild. 1st ed. Elsevier; 2018.
. Hierarchical Object Detection with Deep Reinforcement Learning. In Deep Learning for Image Processing Applications. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press; 2017.
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