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Bellver-Bueno M, Ventura C, Silberer C, Kazakos I, Torres J, Giró-i-Nieto X. RefVOS: A Closer Look at Referring Expressions for Video Object Segmentation. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2022;.  (5.78 MB)
Bellver M. Efficient Exploration of Region Hierarchies for Semantic Segmentation. Ventura C, Giró-i-Nieto X. 2015.  (11.62 MB)
Bellver M. Image and Video Object Segmentation in Low Supervision Scenarios. Torres J, Giró-i-Nieto X. Computer Architectures. [Barcelona]: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya; 2021.
Bellver M, Maninis K-K, Pont-Tuset J, Torres J, Giró-i-Nieto X, van Gool L. Detection-aided liver lesion segmentation using deep learning. In ML4H: Machine Learning for Health Workshop at NIPS 2017. 2017.  (1 MB)
Bellver M. Detection-aided medical image segmentation using deep learning. Maninis K-K, Pont-Tuset J, van Gool L, Giró-i-Nieto X, Torres J. 2017.  (7.07 MB)
Bellver M, Salvador A, Torres J, Giró-i-Nieto X. Mask-guided sample selection for Semi-Supervised Instance Segmentation. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2020;.  (2.2 MB)
Bellver M, Giró-i-Nieto X, Marqués F, Torres J. Hierarchical Object Detection with Deep Reinforcement Learning. In Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, NIPS 2016. 2016.  (877.51 KB)
Bellver M, Salvador A, Torres J, Giró-i-Nieto X. Budget-aware Semi-Supervised Semantic and Instance Segmentation. In CVPR 2019 DeepVision Workshop. Long Beach, CA, USA: OpenCVF; 2019.  (6.59 MB)
Bellver M, Giró-i-Nieto X, Marqués F. Efficient search of objects in images using deep reinforcement learning. NIPS Women in Machine Learning Workshop. Barcelona.; 2016.
Bellver M, Giró-i-Nieto X, Marqués F, Torres J. Hierarchical Object Detection with Deep Reinforcement Learning. In Deep Learning for Image Processing Applications. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press; 2017.