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Hernandez C, Vilaplana V, Combalia M, García S, Podlipnik S, Burgos J, et al.. Sentinel lymph node status prediction with self-attention neural networks using histologies of primary melanoma tumours. In European Association of Dermato Oncology (EADO 2022). 2022.
Hernandez C, Combalia M, Malvehy J, Vilaplana V. Sentinel lymph node status prediction using self-attention networks and contrastive learning from routine histology images of primary tumours. In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning MIDL 2022. 2022.
Lidon A, Bolaños M, Dimiccoli M, Radeva P, Garolera M, Giró-i-Nieto X. Semantic Summarization of Egocentric Photo Stream Events. In ACM Multimedia 2017 Workshop on Lifelogging Tools and Applications. Mountain View, CA, USA: ACM; 2017.  (3.08 MB)
Pina O, Vilaplana V. Self-supervised graph representations of WSIs. In Geometric Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis. 2022.
García-Gómez P, Riu J, Casas J, Royo S. Self-registered lidar and polarimetric images in real-time: application to detection of small objects at sea. In 7th Workshop on Active Imaging. Saint-Louis, France: French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL); 2019.
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Salembier P, Marqués F, Pardàs M. Segmentation-based video coding: temporal links and rate control. In VIII European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO'96. Trieste, Italy; 1996. pp. 455–458.  (275.97 KB)
Bazazian D, Casas J, Ruiz-Hidalgo J. Segmentation-based Multi-Scale Edge Extraction to Measure the Persistence of Features in Unorganized Point Clouds. In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. Porto, Portugal; 2017.  (4.3 MB)
Marqués F, Salembier P, Pardàs M, Morros JR, Corset I, Jeannin S, et al.. A segmentation-based coding system allowing manipulation of objects. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 1996. Lausanne, Switzerland; 1996. pp. 145–175.  (245.6 KB)
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Gallego J, Pardàs M. Segmentation and Tracking of Static and Moving Objects in Video Surveillance Scenarios. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2008. pp. 2716–2719.
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Marqués F, Gasull A. Segmentacion de imagenes multiespectrales con tecnicas piramidales. In VII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio. 1992. pp. 372–376.
Marqués F, Gasull A. Segmentacion de imagenes mediante modelos de gibbs-markov. In VI Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio. 1991. pp. 975–979.
Mañas O, Lacoste A, Giró-i-Nieto X, Vazquez D, Rodríguez P. Seasonal Contrast: Unsupervised Pre-Training from Uncurated Remote Sensing Data. In International Conference in Computer Vision (ICCV). Virtual: IEEE/CVF; 2021.  (1.79 MB)
Torres J, Sastre F, Yagües M, Campos V, Giró-i-Nieto X. Scaling a Convolutional Neural Network for classification of Adjective Noun Pairs with TensorFlow on GPU Clusters. In 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid). Madrid, Spain: IEEE; 2017.
Morros JR, Marqués F. Scalable segmentation-based coding of video sequences addressing content-based functionalities. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Santa Barbara, USA: IEEE; 1997. pp. 1-4.  (536.33 KB)
Assens M, McGuinness K, Giró-i-Nieto X, O'Connor N. SaltiNet: Scan-path Prediction on 360 Degree Images using Saliency Volumes. In ICCV Workshop on Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing. Venice, Italy: IEEE; 2017.  (2.34 MB)
Vilaplana V, Muntaner G. Salient Object Detection on a Hierarchy of Image Partitions. In IEEE Int. Conf. in Image Processing, ICIP 2013. Melbourne, Australia; 2013.
Mohedano E, McGuinness K, Giró-i-Nieto X, O'Connor N. Saliency Weighted Convolutional Features for Instance Search. In Content-Based Multimedia Indexing - CBMI. La Rochelle, France: IEEE; 2018.  (3.8 MB)
Pan J, Canton-Ferrer C, McGuinness K, O'Connor N, Torres J, Sayrol E, et al.. SalGAN: Visual Saliency Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks. In CVPR 2017 Scene Understanding Workshop (SUNw). Honolulu, Hawaii, USA; 2017.  (1.85 MB)
Ventura C, Bellver M, Girbau A, Salvador A, Marqués F, Giró-i-Nieto X. RVOS: End-to-End Recurrent Network for Video Object Segmentation. In CVPR. Long Beach, CA, USA: OpenCVF / IEEE; 2019.  (5.76 MB)
