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Conference Paper
Bosio M, Salembier P, Oliveras A, Bellot P. Ensemble learning and hierarchical data representation for microarray classification. In 13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering BIBE. Chania, Crete: 13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering,; 2013.  (241.56 KB)
Bosch I, Salvador J, Perez-Pellitero E, Ruiz-Hidalgo J. An Epipolar-Constrained Prior for Efficient Search in Multi-View Scenarios. In EUSIPCO. Lisbon; 2014.  (3.69 MB)
Sayrol E, Gasull A, R. Fonollosa J. Estimation of motion parameters using hos. In IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING-ATHOD WORKSHOP ON HIGHER-ORDER STATISTICS. 1995. pp. 262–265.
Pineda N, Jorge J, Garrido L, Salembier P. Estudio de campos de golf mediante técnicas de segmentación. In IX Congreso Nacional de Teledetección. Lleida, Spain; 2001.  (130.37 KB)
Morros JR, Salah AAli, Schouten B, Perales CSegura, Serrano JLuque, Ambekar O, et al.. Event recognition for meaningful Human-Computer interaction in smart environments. In Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’07 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces. 2007.  (1009.14 KB)
Roldan-Carlos J, Lux M, Giró-i-Nieto X, Muñoz-Trallero P, Anagnostopoulos N. Event Video Retrieval using Global and Local Descriptors in Visual Domain. In IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing - CBMI 2015 . 2015.  (1.46 MB)
Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J, Pardàs M. Exploiting Structural Hierarchy in Articulated Objects Towards Robust Motion Capture. In V Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects (AMDO). 2008. pp. 82–91.
Dimiccoli M, Salembier P. Exploiting T-junctions for depth segregation in single images. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2009. Taipei, Taiwan; 2009.  (490.04 KB)
Campos V, Trott A, Xiong C, Socher R, Giró-i-Nieto X, Torres J. Explore, Discover and Learn: Unsupervised Discovery of State-Covering Skills. In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2020. 2020.  (6.89 MB)
Mohedano E, Salvador A, Porta S, Giró-i-Nieto X, McGuinness K, Healy G, et al.. Exploring EEG for Object Detection and Retrieval. In ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) . Shanghai, China; 2015.  (5.37 MB)
Pardàs M. Extraction and tracking of the eyelids. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. 2000.
Vilaplana V, Marqués F. Face detection and segmentation on a hierarchical image representation. In 15th European Signal Processing Conference. 2007. pp. 1955–1959.
Torres L, Marqués F, Lorente L, Vilaplana V. Face location and recognition for video indexing in the Hypermedia project. In European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques. 1999. pp. 364–377.
Vilaplana V, Martínez C, Javier C, Marqués F. Face Recognition Using Groups of Images in Smart Room Scenarios. In International Conference on Image Processing. 2006. pp. 2071–2074.
Vilaplana V, Marqués F. Face segmentation using connected operators. In Mathematical Morphology and its applications to image and signal processing. 1998. pp. 207–214.
Vilaplana V, Varas D. Face tracking using a region-based mean-shift algorithm with adaptive object and background models. In Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services. 2009. pp. 9–12.
Pardàs M, Bonafonte A. Facial Animation Parameters extraction and Expression detection using HMM. In International Conference on Augmented, Virtual Environments and 3D Imaging. 2001. pp. 120–123.
Marqués F, Sobrevals C. Facial Feature Segmentation from Frontal View Images. In 11th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2002). 2002. pp. 33–36.
Pardàs M, Marcos L. Facial Parameter Extraction System based on Active Contours. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2001. pp. 1058–1061.
Bazazian D, Casas J, Ruiz-Hidalgo J. Fast and Robust Edge Extraction in Unorganized Point Clouds. In International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications. Adelaide, Australia: DICTA/IEEE; 2015.  (700.25 KB)
Perez-Pellitero E, Salvador J, Torres-Xirau I, Ruiz-Hidalgo J, Rosenhahn B. Fast Super-Resolution via Dense Local Training and Inverse Regressor Search. In Asian Conference in Computer Vision (ACCV). Singapore; 2014.  (19.06 MB)
Reixach D, Morros JR. Fast unsupervised tensor restoration via low-rank deconvolution. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Abu Dhabi: IEEE; In Press.
Salvador A, Giró-i-Nieto X, Marqués F, Satoh S'ichi. Faster R-CNN Features for Instance Search. In CVPR Workshop Deep Vision. 2016.  (2.77 MB)
Bosio M, Bellot P, Salembier P, Oliveras A. Feature set enhancement via hierarchical clustering for microarray classification. In IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics, GENSIPS 2011. 2011. pp. 226 -229.  (254.44 KB)
López-Méndez A, Casas J. Feature-based annealing particle filter for robust body pose estimation. In Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. 2009. pp. 438–443.
