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Salembier P. Adaptive rank order based filters. Signal processing. 1992;27:1–25.
Gasull A, Monte E, Torres L, Montolio P, Marqués F. Analysis and optimization of the K-Means algorithm for remote sensing applications. In Pattern recognition and image analysis. 1992. pp. 0–0.
Marqués F. Classified vector quantization with fuzzy theory. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS. 1992. pp. 237–244.
Gasull A, Vallverdu F, Marqués F. Coagulation time detection by means of a real-time image processing. In 14th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 1992. pp. 1948–1949.
Marqués F, Gasull A. Codificacion de imagenes: un metodo de segunda generacion. In VII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio. 1992. pp. 144–148.
Marqués F, Gasull A. Codificacion de imagenes:un metodo de segunda generacion. In VII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio. 1992. pp. 144–148.
Torres L, Moreno A, Masgrau E, Gasull A. Compresión de audio e imagen para sistemas multimedia. Bit numerical mathematics. 1992;:50–58.
Pardàs M, Torres L. Connectivity filters for image sequences. In IMAGE ALGEBRA AND MORPHOLOGICAL IMAGE PROCESSING. SPIE. 1992. pp. 318–329.
Bonafonte A, Mariño J, Pardàs M. Efficient integration of coarticulation and lexical information .. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SPOKEN LANGUAGE PROCESSING. 1992. pp. 45–48.
Casas J, Hillion A, Roux C, Torres L, Gasull A. Fuzzy classification of Remote Sensing images: a pseudocolor representation of fuzzy partitions. In SPIE Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing. San Diego, CA: SPIE; 1992.  (809.57 KB)
Salembier P, Gasull A, Marqués F, Sayrol E. Morphological detection based on size and contrast criteria. In 14th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Paris, France; 1992. pp. 1930–1031.
Salembier P, Serra J. Morphological multiscale image segmentation. In SPIE Visual Communication and Image Processing, VCIP'92. Boston, USA; 1992. pp. 620–631.
Marqués F. Multiresolution image segmentation based on camporend random fields: Application to image coding. Gasull A. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 1992.
Bonafonte A, Pardàs M, Mariño J. N-best hypotheses:an approach taking into account coarticulation. In EUROPEAN SIGNAL PROCESSING CONFERENCE. 1992. pp. 379–382.
Gasull A, Marqués F, Torres L. Non-linear techniques for image interpolation. In VI European Signal Processing Conference. 1992. pp. 1473–1476.
Marqués F, Gasull A. Segmentacion de imagenes multiespectrales con tecnicas piramidales. In VII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio. 1992. pp. 372–376.
Marqués F, Gasull A. Segmentacion no supervisada de imagenes mediante campos aleatorios. In SIMPOSIUM NACIONAL DE RECONOZIMIENTO DE FORMAS Y ANALISIS IMAGENES. 1992. pp. 55–62.
Salembier P. Size-sensitive multiresolution decomposition of images with rank. Signal processing. 1992;27:205–241.
Salembier P. Structuring element adaptation for morphological filters. Journal of visual communication and image representation. 1992;3:115–136.
Gasull A, Marqués F, Torres L. Técnicas de preprocesado para la segmentación de imágenes. In VII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio. 1992. pp. 367–371.
Gasull A, Marqués F, Montolio P, Torres L. Técnicas de preprocesado para la segmentación de imágenes. In U.R.S.I. 92. 1992. pp. 367–371.
Casas J, Torres L, Gasull A. Una interpretación colorimétrica en clasificaciones fuzzy de imágenes de teledetección. In V Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes. 1992. pp. 281–287.
Pardàs M, Salembier P. 3D morphological segmentation and motion estimation for image sequences. In International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and its applications to image and signal processing, ISMM 1993. Barcelona, Spain; 1993. pp. 58–63.
Pardàs M, Salembier P, Torres L. 3D morphological segmentation or image sequence processing. In IEEE Winter Workshop on Nonlinear Signal Processing. Tampere, Finland; 1993. pp. 31–36.
Salembier P. Application of mathematical morphology to picture coding. In General Assembly of URSI, 1993. Kyoto, Japan; 1993.
