Local ancestry inference (LAI) identifies the ancestry of each segment of an individual's genome and it is a critical step in the analysis of human genomes with applications from pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine to increase detection of genetic associations.
New LAI techniques are appearing at a fast pace in both industry and academic research and large data-sets of human genomic sequences from the ancestries of interest are required to train those methods. Usually, those data-sets are protected by privacy regulations, are proprietary or accessible only when they come with restrictions due to its nature. An interesting way to overcome those difficulties is through the generation of data samples that could be similar enough to real sequences from ancestries of interest. A generalized model can be openly shared because there is no real individual information in there.
Thus, we present a class-conditional Generative adversarial Model and a Conditional Generative Moment-Matching Network intended to generate new realistic genotypes of a desired ancestry. In addition, we present a privacy mechanism that extracts features from the real data to generate new realistic genotypes by using features.