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Conference Paper
Valero S, Salembier P, Chanussot J. New hyperspectral data representation using binary partition tree. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2010. Honolulu, USA; 2010. pp. 80–83.  (120 KB)
Vidal J, Sayrol E, Cabanillas S, Santamaría S. Non-Noticeable Information Embedding in Color Images : Marking and Detection. In 33rd ANNUAL - 1999 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. 1999. pp. 293–297.
Valero S, Salembier P, Chanussot J. Object recognition in urban hyperspectral images using binary partition tree representation. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS'2013. Melbourne, Australia: IEEE; 2013.  (498.43 KB)
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Lin X, Casas J, Pardàs M. One Shot Learning for Generic Instance Segmentation in RGBD Videos. In International Conference on Computer Vision, Theory and Applications. Prague: SciTePress; 2019.  (1.64 MB)
Shou Z, Pan J, Chan J, Miyazawa K, Mansour H, Vetro A, et al.. Online Action Detection in Untrimmed, Streaming Videos. In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). Munich, German; 2018.  (450.1 KB)
Shou Z, Pan J, Chan J, Miyazawa K, Mansour H, Vetro A, et al.. Online Action Detection in Untrimmed, Streaming Videos. In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). Munich, German; 2018.  (450.1 KB)
Bescós J, Torres L, Menendez J, Vilà J, Cisneros G, Marqués F, et al.. An open integrated system for video indexing. In International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. 2001. pp. 322–333.
Bescós J, Torres L, Menendez J, Vilà J, Cisneros G, Marqués F, et al.. An open integrated system for video indexing. In International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. 2001. pp. 322–333.
Lozano J, Jiménez H, Torres S, Biosca P, Fontanet B, Pinazo J, et al.. Optical Phased Array Antenna Apodization for Lidar in Autonomous Vehicles. In XIII Reunión OptoElectrónica. Sevilla, Spain: OPTOEL; 2023.
Sayrol E, Vidal J, Cabanillas S, Santamaría S. Optimum Watermark Detection in Color Images. In 1999 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 1999. pp. 1–5.
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López-Palma M, Morros JR, Gago J, Corbalán M. Oriented trajectories as a method for audience measurement. In 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). Cairns, Australia: IEEE; 2018.  (976.97 KB)
Canton-Ferrer C, Sblendido R, Casas J, Pardàs M. Particle Filtering and Sparse Sampling for Multi-Person 3D Tracking. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2008. pp. 2644–2647.
Canton-Ferrer C, Sblendido R, Casas J, Pardàs M. Particle Filtering and Sparse Sampling for Multi-Person 3D Tracking. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2008. pp. 2644–2647.
Pinazo J, Lerín A, de Gibert FXavier, Moliner Á, Sevilla D, Jurado A, et al.. Perception in the era of Autonomous Vehicles. In Photonics 4 Smart Cities, SCEWC 2022. Barcelona: Photonics21; 2022.  (2.34 MB)
Pinazo J, Lerín A, de Gibert FXavier, Moliner Á, Sevilla D, Jurado A, et al.. Perception in the era of Autonomous Vehicles. In Photonics 4 Smart Cities, SCEWC 2022. Barcelona: Photonics21; 2022.  (2.34 MB)
Pinazo J, Lerín A, de Gibert FXavier, Moliner Á, Sevilla D, Jurado A, et al.. Perception in the era of Autonomous Vehicles. In Photonics 4 Smart Cities, SCEWC 2022. Barcelona: Photonics21; 2022.  (2.34 MB)
Calderero F, Marqués F, Ortega A. Performance evaluation of probability density estimators for unsupervised information theoretical region merging. In 16th International Conference on Image Processing. 2009. pp. 4397–4400.
Podlipnik S, Hernandez C, Kiroglu A, García S, Ficapal J, Burgos J, et al.. Personalized medicine in melanoma patients aided by artificial intelligence. In Clinical Translation of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (CLINICCAI) Workshop at MICCAI. 2021.
Podlipnik S, Hernandez C, Kiroglu A, García S, Ficapal J, Burgos J, et al.. Personalized medicine in melanoma patients aided by artificial intelligence. In Clinical Translation of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (CLINICCAI) Workshop at MICCAI. 2021.
Salvador J, Casas J. Photo-consistent surfaces from a sparse set of viewpoints. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2010. pp. 4045–4048.
Nieto JJosé, Creus R, Giró-i-Nieto X. PiCoEDL: Discovery and Learning of Minecraft Navigation Goals from Pixels and Coordinates. In CVPR 2021 Embodied AI Workshop. 2021.  (847.54 KB)
Creus R, Nieto JJosé, Giró-i-Nieto X. PixelEDL: Unsupervised Skill Discovery and Learning from Pixels. In CVPR 2021 Embodied AI Workshop. 2021.  (1.55 MB)
Geleta M, Puntí C, McGuinness K, Pons J, Canton-Ferrer C, Giró-i-Nieto X. PixInWav: Residual Steganography for Hiding Pixels in Audio. In ICASSP. 2022.  (5.77 MB)
