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Marker-based human motion capture in multi-view sequences. Eurasip journal on advances in signal processing. 2010;2010:1–11.
. Marker-based human motion capture in multi-view sequences. Eurasip journal on advances in signal processing. 2010;2010:1–11.
. Mixed integration of CDIO skills into telecommunication engineering curricula. Elektronika ir elektrotechnika. 2010;102(6):127–130.
. Mixed integration of CDIO skills into telecommunication engineering curricula. Elektronika ir elektrotechnika. 2010;102(6):127–130.
. Mixed integration of CDIO skills into telecommunication engineering curricula. Elektronika ir elektrotechnika. 2010;102(6):127–130.
. New hyperspectral data representation using binary partition tree. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2010. Honolulu, USA; 2010. pp. 80–83. (120 KB)
. Photo-consistent surfaces from a sparse set of viewpoints. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2010. pp. 4045–4048.
. Proceso de inversión de competencias genéricas en los nuevos planes de estudios de grado de la ETSETB de acuerdo con el modelo CDIO. In IX Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica. 2010. pp. 1–9.
. Proceso de inversión de competencias genéricas en los nuevos planes de estudios de grado de la ETSETB de acuerdo con el modelo CDIO. In IX Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica. 2010. pp. 1–9.
. Proceso de inversión de competencias genéricas en los nuevos planes de estudios de grado de la ETSETB de acuerdo con el modelo CDIO. In IX Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica. 2010. pp. 1–9.
. Real-time 3D multi-person tracking using Monte Carlo surface sampling. In 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops. 2010. pp. 40–46.
. Real-time 3D multi-person tracking using Monte Carlo surface sampling. In 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops. 2010. pp. 40–46.
. Region merging parameter dependency as information diversity to create sparse hierarchies of partitions. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2010. pp. 2237–2240.
. Region merging techniques using information theory statistical measures. IEEE transactions on image processing. 2010;19:1567–1586.
. Skeleton and shape adjustment and tracking in multicamera environments. In 6th International Conference AMDO 2010. 2010. pp. 88–97.
. Skeleton and shape adjustment and tracking in multicamera environments. In Lecture notes in computer science. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer; 2010. pp. 88–97.
. Some measures of multivariate association relating two spectral data sets. In 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics, COMSTAT 2010. Paris, France; 2010.
. Some measures of multivariate association relating two spectral data sets. In 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics, COMSTAT 2010. Paris, France; 2010.
. Spatio-temporal alignment and hyperspherical radon transform for 3D gait recognition in multi-view environments. In 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops. 2010. pp. 116–121.
. Spatio-temporal alignment and hyperspherical radon transform for 3D gait recognition in multi-view environments. In 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops. 2010. pp. 116–121.
. Surface reconstruction by restricted and oriented propagation. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2010. pp. 813–816. (3.22 MB)
. System architecture of a web service for Content-Based Image Retrieval. In ACM International Conference On Image And Video Retrieval 2010. 2010. pp. 358–365.
. Tweet@TV: Televisió social en 140 caràcters. . 2010. (6.63 MB)
. Virtual view appearance representation for human motion analysis in multi-view environments. In 18th European Signal Processing Conference. 2010. pp. 959–963.
. Virtual view appearance representation for human motion analysis in multi-view environments. In 18th European Signal Processing Conference. 2010. pp. 959–963.