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Multimedia Copyright Protection Platform Demonstrator. In Lecture notes in computer science. 2005. pp. 76–83.
. Mutual feedback scheme for face detection and tracking aimed at density estimation in demonstrations. IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing. 2005;152(3):334–346.
. Object representation using colour, shape and structure criteria in a Binary Partition Tree. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2005.
. Projective Kalman Filter: Multiocular Tracking of 3D Locations Towards Scene Understanding. In 2nd Joint Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms. 2005.
. Projective Kalman Filter: Multiocular Tracking of 3D Locations Towards Scene Understanding. In 2nd Joint Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms. 2005.
. Projective Kalman Filter: Multiocular Tracking of 3D Locations Towards Scene Understanding. In 2nd Joint Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms. 2005.
. Silhouette-based Probabilistic 2D Human Motion Estimation for Real-Time Applications. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2005. pp. 836–839.
. Silhouette-based Probabilistic 2D Human Motion Estimation for Real-Time Applications. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2005. pp. 836–839.
. Towards a Bayesian Approach to Robust Finding Correspondances in Multiple View Geometry Environments. In Computational Science – ICCS 2005. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer; 2005. pp. 281–289.
. Towards a bayesian approach to robust finding correspondances in multiple view geometry environments. In Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling. Intrernational Conference on Computational Science. 2005. pp. 281–289.
. Towards a Bayesian Approach to Robust Finding Correspondances in Multiple View Geometry Environments. In Computational Science – ICCS 2005. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer; 2005. pp. 281–289.
. Towards a bayesian approach to robust finding correspondances in multiple view geometry environments. In Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling. Intrernational Conference on Computational Science. 2005. pp. 281–289.
. Towards a bayesian approach to robust finding correspondances in multiple view geometry environments. In Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling. Intrernational Conference on Computational Science. 2005. pp. 281–289.
. Binary-Partition Tree creation using a quasi-inclusion criterion. In 8th International Conference on Information Visualization (IV04). 2004. pp. 259–264.
. The InterFace Software Platform for Interactive Virtual Characters. In Mpeg-4 facial animation: the standard, implementation and applications. 2004. pp. 169–183.
. LaViCAD: LABORATORIO VIRTUAL DE COMUNICACIONES ANALÓGICAS Y DIGITALES. In 4rt. Congrés Internacional de Docència Unversitària i Innovació. 2004. pp. 1–20.
. Spatial-temporal Video Analysis for Improved Pedestrian Detection: Application to Density Estimation and Tracking in Demonstrations. In Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services. 2004. pp. 334–346.
. Advanced content-based semantic scene analysis and information retrieval: the Schema Project. In 4th European Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services_x000D_. 2003. pp. 43–45.
. Region and object segmentation algorithms in the QIMERA segmentation platform. In Third International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. 2003. pp. 95–103.
. Unbalanced multiple description video coding based on a rate-distortion optimization. Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing. 2003;2003:81–90.
. Wavelet coding of volumetric medical datasets. Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on. 2003;22:441 -458.
. An open integrated system for video indexing. In International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. 2001. pp. 322–333.
. An open integrated system for video indexing. In International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. 2001. pp. 322–333.
. 3D compression of medical data based on cube-splitting and embedded block coding. In ProRISC/IEEE Workshop. Veldhoven, The Netherlands; 2000.
. Description Schemes for Video Programs, Users and Devices. Signal processing: image communication. 2000;16:211–234. (879.4 KB)