GPI Seminar Series: Amaia Salvador

Amaia Salvador

Amaia Salvador, Image Processing Group, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Convolutional Features for Instance Search (ICMR & CVPRW 2016)

Tuesday  May 3rd, 12h, Room D5-010

GPI Seminar Series: Hazim K. Ekenel

Hazim K. Ekenel

Hazim K. Ekenel, Computer Engineering Dept., Istanbul Technical University.
                              Facial Image Processing and Analysis group, KIT Karlsruhe

Facial Image Processing and Analysis @ SiMiT Lab
Monday February 15th, 15h, Room D5-010 (new schedule and room)

GPI Seminar Series: Albert Gil

Albert Gil, Remote Software Development and Computing.
Simple usage and hidden understanding of some of the most geek and powerful tools out there
Thursday February 4th, 10h, MERIT room D5-010

GPI Seminar Series: José M. Álvarez

José M. Álvarez

José M. Álvarez, computer vision researcher at NICTA, Australia
Compacting ConvNets for end to end Learning
Tuesday February 2nd, 16h, MERIT Room D5-010

Course "Introduction to Recommender Systems"

Eugenio Tacchini

Eugenio Tacchini, University of Milan
Introduction to Recommender Systems
New dates: February 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 11h - 14h,  MERIT room D5-010


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