Course "Introduction to Recommender Systems"

Eugenio Tacchini

Eugenio Tacchini, University of Milan
Introduction to Recommender Systems
New dates: February 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 11h - 14h,  MERIT room D5-010

Introduction to Recommender Systems

Recommender systems provide suggestions for items likely to be of use to a user. We can find recommender system algorithms in use in many different environments: for example when Amazon suggests a product to buy, when Twitter suggests a user to follow or when Pandora Internet Radio plays a song.

This short course will introduce the students to the topic, covering User-Based and Item-Based Collaborative filtering algorithms, Content-based Recommender Systems and a brief description of algorithms based on dimensionality reduction. Since recommender systems often have to deal with a big amount of data (user preferences) and this trend will be even more evident in the future, some concepts related to big data will be also covered.

Dates: 1/02, 2/02, 3/02 (11-14h)

Prof. Eugenio Tacchini

Please send an email to Ramon Morros ( to register. Registration limit is Jan 31th, 2016.

(Pels alumnes de l'ETSETB, el curs es pot reconèixer amb 1 ECTS  de lliure elecció)

Short Biography:

Prof. Eugenio Tacchini, Ph.D., is an Italian software analyst & developer, University lecturer of Information Systems and researcher in Music Recommender Systems. He has been a visiting scholar at the Freie Universitat Berlin and at the University of California, Berkeley