Carlos Hernandez

Position e-mail
PhD Candidate
Office Phone
D5 - 120 +34 615162808

Book Chapters and Books top

In Press
L. Jimenez, Hernandez, C., and Vilaplana, V., Breast Cancer Molecular Subtyping from H&E Whole Slide Images using Foundation Models and Transformers, in Artificial Intelligence and Imaging for Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges in Breast Care, vol. 15451, Springer, In Press.
C. Hernandez, Pachón-García, C., Delicado, P., and Vilaplana, V., Interpreting Machine Learning Models for Survival Analysis: A Study of Cutaneous Melanoma Using the SEER Database, in Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Process Mining Applications for Healthcare,, vol. 2020, Springer, Cham, 2024.

Conference Papers top

C. Hernandez, Jimenez, L., and Vilaplana, V., Bridging Domains in Melanoma Diagnostics: Predicting BRAF Mutations and Sentinel Lymph Node Positivity with Attention-Based Models in Histological Images, in IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (DEF-AI-MIA workshop), 2024.
L. Jimenez, Hernandez, C., and Vilaplana, V., Breast Cancer Molecular Subtyping from H&E Whole Slide Images using Foundation Models and Transformers, in Deep Breast Workshop on AI and Imaging for Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges in Breast Care, MICCAI 2024, 2024.
C. Hernandez, Pachón-García, C., Delicado, P., and Vilaplana, V., Interpreting Machine Learning models for Survival Analysis: A study of Cutaneous Melanoma using the SEER Database, in XAI-Healthcare 2023 Workshop at 21st International Conference of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2023), Portoroz, Slovenia, 2023.
C. Hernandez, Combalia, M., Malvehy, J., and Vilaplana, V., Sentinel lymph node status prediction using self-attention networks and contrastive learning from routine histology images of primary tumours, in Medical Imaging with Deep Learning MIDL 2022, 2022.
C. Hernandez, Vilaplana, V., Combalia, M., García, S., Podlipnik, S., Burgos, J., Puig, S., and Malvehy, J., Sentinel lymph node status prediction with self-attention neural networks using histologies of primary melanoma tumours, in European Association of Dermato Oncology (EADO 2022), 2022.