Book Chapters & Books by Philippe Salembier back
“Unsupervised GRN Ensemble”, in Sanguinetti G., Huynh-Thu V. (eds) Methods in Molecular Biology , vol. 1883, New York, NY: Springer science, Humana Press, 2019, pp. 283-302. | ,
“Advances in utilization of hierarchical representations in remote sensing data analysis”, in Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, vol. 2, Elsevier, 2018, pp. 77-107. | ,
“Neighborhood Filters and the Recovery of 3D Information”, in Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging, 2nd ed., Springer Verlag, 2015, pp. 1645-1673. | ,
“Neighborhood Filters and the Recovery of 3D Information”, in Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging, Springer Verlag, 2011, pp. 1203-1229. | ,
“Compression”, in Morphologie Mathématique II: estimation choix et mise en oeuvre, L. Najman and H. Talbot (Eds.)., Hermes, Lavoisier, 2010. | ,
“Compression”, in Mathematical morphology from theories to applications, L. Najman and H. Talbot (Eds.)., Wiley, 2010, pp. 385–391. | ,
“Connected operators based on tree pruning strategies”, in Mathematical morphology from theories to applications, L. Najman and H. Talbot (Eds.)., Wiley, 2010. | ,
“Operateur connexe et arbre des coupes”, in Morphologie mathématique 1: approches deterministes, L. Najman and H. Talbot (Eds.)., Hermes, Lavoisier, 2008, pp. 151–172. | ,
“Automatic extraction and analysis of visual objects information”, in Multimedia content and the semantic web, Wiley, 2005, pp. 203–221. | ,
Introduction to the mpeg-7: multimedia content description interface. Wiley, 2002. | ,
“Systems Architecture”, in Introduction to the mpeg-7: multimedia content description interface, B. S. Manjunath, P. Salembier, T. Sikora (Eds.)., Wiley, 2002, pp. 33–42. | ,
“Description of a Single Multimedia Document”, in Introduction to the mpeg-7: multimedia content description interface, B. S. Manjunath, P. Salembier, T. Sikora (Eds.)., Wiley, 2002, pp. 111–138. | ,
“Overview of MPEG-7 multimedia description schemes and schema tools”, in Introduction to the mpeg-7: multimedia content description interface, B. S. Manjunath, P. Salembier, T. Sikora (Eds.)., Wiley, 2002, pp. 83–94. | ,
“Region-based filtering of images and video sequences: a morphological viewpoint”, in Nonlinear Image Processing, S. Mitra and G. Sicuranza (Eds.)., Academic Press, 2000. | ,
“Video compresssion standards”, in Electronic imaging technology, Edward R. Dougherty (Ed.)., SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1999, pp. 31–64. | ,
“Codificación de imagen”, in Reconocimiento de formas y análisis de imágenes, A. Sanfeliu (Ed.)., AERFAI, 1998, pp. 101–135. | ,
“Coding of partition sequences”, in Video coding: the second generation approach, L. Torres and M. Kunt (Eds.)., Kluwer, 1996, pp. 125–170. | ,
“Coding-oriented segmentation of video sequences”, in Video coding: the second generation approach, L. Torres and M. Kunt (Eds.)., Kluwer, 1996, pp. 79–124. | ,
Mathematical morphology and its applications to signal processing. Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), 1993. | ,