Semantic and Diverse Summarization of Egocentric Photo Events (software)
Resource Type | Date |
Software | 2015-09-14 |
This software was developed by Aniol Lidon during his master thesis during Spring-Summer 2015. Advisors: Xavier Giro-i-Nieto and Petia Radeva.
- Places CNN by MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
- CaffeNet CNN by Berkeley Vision and Learning Center
- Relevance CNN by Barcelona Perceptual Computing Laboratory from the University of Barcelona
- Visual Sentiment CNN by Victor Campos
An updated version of these tools can be found in this github repo.
People involved
Xavier Giró | Associate Professor |
Related Projects
Related Publications
“Semantic Summarization of Egocentric Photo Stream Events”, in ACM Multimedia 2017 Workshop on Lifelogging Tools and Applications, Mountain View, CA, USA, 2017. (3.08 MB) | ,
“Semantic and Diverse Summarization of Egocentric Photo Events”. 2015. (5.34 MB) | ,