ADViSOR - Advanced Digital Video Storage and Online Retrieval System

Type | Start | End |
European | Jan 2000 | May 2002 |
Responsible | URL |
Josep R. Casas | ADViSOR project page (CORDIS) |
Advanced Digital Video Storage and Online Retrieval System.
Ref.: EU IST 5th Framework Program, 10147, KA 3-2-2
Searching and extracting information from video, film and pictures archives is nowadays a highly time consuming process with a significant probability to miss sought information. ADVISOR objective is to tackle this stake with assessing state-of-the-art video annotation and video retrieval technologies on the basis on dedicated project trials.
Innovative aspects:
- Push emergent technologies and implement them to integrate in very concrete end-user workflow.
- Develop content preparation studios to free archivists from highly time consuming mechanical tasks.
- Provide key technical and economical elements for Video Indexing Studio (VIS) and Video Exploitation System (VES) market analysis.
In terms of implementation and integration within end-user workflow, ADVISOR propose to build on one hand a Video Indexing Studio (VIS) for preparing the video indexes and, on the other hand, a Video Exploitation System (VES) for video indexes exploitation.
- Video Indexing Studio (VIS)
- VIS will permit video summaries and cataloguing. An interactive mode will permit annotation efficiency enforcement with proposing oral labelling. A batch mode, used as often as possible, will be an automated mode for repetitive actions.
- Video Exploitation System (VES)
- VES focuses on video indexes exploitation. Practically, with respect to end-user needs, VES implementation will propose two complementary sub-systems:
- High-End Multi-user System (HEMS): a central video information server providing general services via the Web.
- End-User Light System (EULS): addresses local and individual uses such as television contractors and regional/local TV stations. EULS's users will be provided with the capability to connect to the HEMS and to access to the video catalogues and to the indexing information stored in the HEMS system.
Project trials will be executed to assess VIS and VES usability and performances for two typical and representative applications as follows:
- On line and WEB TV (i.e. for local TV broadcasters and Internet Service Provider)
- Tele-training (Remote) and assistance support (i.e. for technical or professional training organisation)
On the basis of these two applications which will implicate large amount of video data (several gigabytes of video data) expected results can be listed as follows:
- to demonstrate technological breakthrough represented by video annotation and retrieval components
- to cut indexing time by more than 30%
- to have a retrieval success close to 80%
- to provide key technical and economical elements for VIS and VES systems marketing
- to convince at least one TV station to be equipped with a VIS-VES system
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Josep R. Casas | Associate Professor | |
Ferran Marqués | Professor | |
Veronica Vilaplana | Associate Professor | |