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Conference Paper
Pina O, Dorca E, Vilaplana V. Cell-DETR: Efficient cell detection and classification in WSIs with transformers. In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2024). 2024.
Pina O, Vilaplana V. Layer-wise self-supervised learning on graphs. In KDD 2023 Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs: Methods and Applications (DLG-KDD 2023). Long Beach, USA; 2023.
Pina O, Vilaplana V. Self-supervised graph representations of WSIs. In Geometric Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis. 2022.
Pina O, Cumplido-Mayoral I, Cacciaglia R, González-de-Echávarri JMaría, Gispert JD, Vilaplana V. Structural Networks for Brain Age Prediction. In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2022). 2022.
Pina O, Vilaplana V. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Multi-Stain Cell Detection in Breast Cancer with Transformers. In IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (DEF-AI-MIA workshop). 2024.