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Structural Networks for Brain Age Prediction. In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2022). 2022.
. Prediction of amyloid pathology in cognitively unimpaired individuals using structural MRI. In Alzheimer's Association International Conference. 2021.
. Machine learning on combined neuroimaging and plasma biomarkers for triaging participants of secondary prevention trials in Alzheimer’s Disease. In Alzheimer's Association International Conference. 2021.
. Identifying brain ageing trajectories using variational autoencoders with regression model in neuroimaging data stratified by sex and validated against dementia-related risk factors. In 7th International Workshop on PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine, MICCAI 2024. In Press.
. Brain-age prediction and its associations with glial and synaptic CSF markers. In Alzheimer's Association International Conference. Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2023.
. Brain-age mediates the association between modifiable risk factors and cognitive decline early in the AD continuum. In Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC). Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2023.
. Brain structural alterations in cognitively unimpaired individuals with discordant amyloid-β PET and CSF Aβ42 status: findings using Machine Learning. In Alzheimer's Association International Conference. 2021.
. Biological Brain Age Prediction Using Machine Learning on Structural Neuroimaging Data: Multi-Cohort Validation Against Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease and Neurodegeneration. In Alzheimer's Association International Conference. 2022.
. Biological brain age prediction using machine learning on structural neuroimaging data: Multi-cohort validation against biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease and neurodegeneration stratified by sex. In 15th Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease Conference (CTAD). San Francisco, USA; 2022.