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Sayrol E, Gasull A, Moreno A, Salavedra J, Vallverdu F. Una Aproximación experimental a las Señales y Sistemas Analógicos. In XV Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio. 2000. pp. 329–330.
Casas J, Esteban P, Moreno A, Carrera M. Morphological scheme for morphometric analysis of epidermal biopsy images. In International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image Processing II. Fontainebleau; 1994.
Casas J, Esteban P, Moreno A, Carrera M. Morphological scheme for morphometric analysis of epidermal biopsy images. In: Serra J, Soille P. Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image Processing. Dordrecht: Springer; 1994. pp. 325–331.
Vallverdu F, Sayrol E, Gasull A, Salavedra J, Moreno A. Graphical study of signals and systems. In 14th annual World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. 2002.
Sayrol E, Gasull A, Moreno A, Salavedra J, Vallverdu F. Graphical Study of Signals and Systems. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP'01. 2001.
Gasull A, Sayrol E, Moreno A, Vallverdu F, Salavedra J, Oliveras A. Editor gráfico de figuras MATLAB. In III Congreso de Usuarios de MATLAB. 1999. pp. 219–227.
Gasull A, Moreno A, Salavedra J, Sayrol E, Vallverdu F. 619 - un ejemplo de diseño del laboratorio para asignaturas con créditos teóricos y prácticos. In VIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas. 2000. pp. 233–240.